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William guided Hector to the eastern hallway, then into a small conference room. A couple of palace staff members were using it, but when the King asked to borrow it for a few minutes, they were practically falling over themselves to accommodate him.

Once they were alone, William walked to the other end of the long table in the middle of the room. While he waited for the man to begin talking again, Hector noticed Garovel phase through the wall.

'What're you talking about in here?'

'Don't know yet,' said Hector. 'The King seems kind of... apprehensive for some reason.'

Garovel didn't get the chance to inquire further, because William began talking.

"This has been stewing in my mind for some months now, and yet with all of that time to prepare my thoughts, I am still uncertain about where to begin."

Hector gave a sympathetic frown. The man sounded like he needed reassurance, so Hector decided to say, "Whatever it is, I'm listening."

The King spared him a glance. "I appreciate that."

And there was more silence, but Hector chose to just be patient.

"In this past year," said William, "I have come to realize that the world is far stranger and more terrifying than I ever dared imagine. In particular, learning about the existence of reapers has caused me to reevaluate my perspective on a great many things."

Still, Hector merely waited.

"...How much do you know about my family?" the King asked. "About House Belgrant?"

"Ah... not very much, I guess."

"Are you at all familiar with the story of how House Belgrant came to be?"

Hector shook his head.

"Then perhaps I should tell it to you before I say anything more. Forgive me if this seems self-indulgent. That is not my intent. I do not mean to waste your time or mine."



Nathaniel Green

Wait. aren't the Belgrants the one's that the queen's brother dismissed as bumpkins aaaaaalllll the way back in the Abolish in Atreya arc? Wonder where this is going.


Does he want to become a servant to help the queen ?