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Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me? No, dood, actually, I think the party and the mystery are heating up. Literally.

Once you collect your first game-changing clue in "Stop it Step Bro", you'll start to see some signs that something else is afoot in the house. The temperature's on the rise...and it's not because of your steamy charisma.

While you can get lost in the heat, lose your shirt, and simply dance the night away with Stephanie, what kind of detective would you be if you let the killer slip away? Plus, let's be real here, you want to get a little closer to Liz, right?

If so, you'll definitely want to bring this latest development to Liz's attention! And, when you do, the investigation will continue!

During your crime-solving escapade, keep in mind that you may have some opportunities to flirt with Liz. Whether you pursue these or not is up to you, but if you do manage to charm her...

Well, you can find out for yourself. Let's just say the temperature won't be the only thing rising in the house.

Once you and Liz return to the investigation, you’ll still have to get to the bottom of why it’s so damn hot in here, and whether it has anything to do with the other strange events of the evening. Huh, the thermostat says “error.” Isn’t that funny?

This chapter ends with another discovery that will bring you one step closer toward solving the crime. However, the killer could strike again at any moment, so you better hurry - before things get "Too Hot to Handle!"

We hope you’re enjoying seeing Liz's story unfold, and we hope you’re having fun getting to know Liz! As always, we’re excited to hear your thoughts on the new build! We’re definitely upping the shock factor in this one, so we’re looking forward to you sharing what your favorite parts of “Too Hot to Handle” are.

That’s all for this preview! Enjoy the new content in this release, and, if you like what you’ve seen so far, there’s still more Liz content coming in the future. Later, doods and ladydoods!

- Eek! Team

P.S. If you missed it, you can get right into the new content by pressing E, going to the “Dev Radial”, and selecting “Skip to Too Hot To Handle”. This is useful if you don’t want to replay previous alpha and beta story sections, though we think it’s worth seeing how earlier choices can affect later events!

P.P.S. Due to multiple requests, we will be uploading our new alpha and beta builds going forward to a different online storage system (Google Drive). This shouldn't impact anything you need to do to download or play the builds, but it sounds like some of our users are experiencing faster download speeds thanks to this change!



*If you experience any issues downloading via your browser, right click below and select "Open in New Tab"*

House Party "Too Hot To Handle" Beta 1.1.6 Windows 64 bit:




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