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Hey guys,

I know it's been quiet here lately, but I've been working on some things, and I just wanted to throw you an update.

There comes a time when I have to stop working on the fun stuff, and work on necessities.  For one, I needed to set up some kind of source control for my project.  For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a way for me to store versions of my project in its various states to serve as a backup and also for me to fork things off as separate projects so if I take things off in a different direction I can always go back to a certain point so I don't lose too much progress.  This also lets me easily work with collaborators like the graphic designer and such, so it definitely opens up possibilities for down the line.

Also, after generating a lot of feedback from the community, I've decided to go back to the original Daz models.  I just wasn't getting great feedback from the newer models and people are seeming to like the older ones better, so I've been spending a lot of time doing research on how to make these Daz models exactly what I need to have the flexibility I'm looking for, so I've been doing a lot of experimenting.  I've made some progress, and I will be putting out a new demo to $25.00+ patrons for their monthly progress update so I can show you how it's coming along.  There really isn't enough progress to warrant putting out a $10.00/month update.  But the reward for the $25.00 patrons is they get access to whatever I'm working on at the end of the month, so they will get a sneak preview of the new revamped Daz models, and how I've been able to customize them and really make them shine in the game.

Just wanted to let you guys know I'm alive and that there's great new stuff on the horizon.  Thanks for sticking it out with me while I figure these things out.  We're definitely making progress, and I promise once this is all settled, we'll be getting playable builds soon.  Once I get all these things in place the story-line is going to come together very quickly because of all of the background work I'm doing now.



Before you ditch the newer models, can we at least see what they look like naked?


My plan isn't to ditch them completely, after all I paid for them. Right now my focus is going to be more on getting the Daz models running well and getting the game to an operational and playable point so I can put out another public beta and start working on more intimate scenes with the girls. You'll see the other models used for sure though. :)


I was one of the people really happy about the look of the Daz models So I'm happy to hear thats what you decided to work with. But I'm also looking forward to see what way you will use the new ones. I'm really really really looking forward to a "finished" beta for us to play!