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Hey guys,

We're getting close to having an actual game to play here. We just finished up Stephanie, and she's looking great! She's loosely modeled after Katy Perry. As you can see, with the new model, we're able to bring Stephanie to life a lot more, including the cloth physics on her dress. There's still a little tearing where the skin is showing through the dress here and there, but we'll iron that out. She's fresh out of the oven!

Here's the video link:


You'll notice that the AI and the conversations are a lot smoother, and there's a lot more interaction going on between all of the characters. The movement and path-finding scripts have also been worked on and updated, and you'll notice there's a lot less sliding around, and the movements and turning are looking a lot more natural.

Another thing to notice is that we have a gauge for Friendship, Romance, and Drunkenness. All of these factors will affect how a character interacts with you.

Let's talk about the scene a bit.

Stephanie's character loves to dance, so she hangs by the living room where the speakers are a lot. She'll occasionally still come out to mingle, but she prefers the back room and dancing. None of this is scripted however. She decides where she wants to hang out based various things.

For those of you who have played my first release, you'll notice the familiar story-line of Stephanie asking to do some whip-its.

On the way to the fridge, I see Ashley and Madison not too far away from each other. I talk to Ashley and tell her she's hotter than her sister. This increases my relationship with Ashley, but Madison overhears, and she's pissed at you now!

Notice how this changes Madison's choice of dialogue when she randomly comes up to you a little later on. She tells you find somewhere else to hang out.

We give the whipped cream to Stephanie and she goes off to dance, and then rejoins the party after a minute or so. She would stick around and dance longer, but nobody else was there, and this makes characters more likely to get bored and change locations (unless they're in a bad mood, then they prefer isolation).

From here, we're observing a little more interaction and you can really see the party come to life when all of the characters get in the same room and start interacting with each other. You'll notice however, it doesn't detract from game-play, as the character you want to talk to immediately shifts gears and interacts with you as soon as you summon them.

Madison's cooled down a bit, and you ask her about Frank. She tells you about him to which you reply "What a dick", but Frank happens to be right there and hears what you said, and decides to kick your ass. Game Over.

Supporters pledging $10.00 or more will have access to this build within the next couple of days, and as you can see, we're getting very close to a new public demo. Enjoy!



Not a fan of the new Stephanie model. Looks like a dude.


Keep in mind, this is the first pass of all of the models, and we are going to be sweeping through them all after they are all done and fine-tuning them based on feedback I get from all of you. One of our goals is definitely to increase the feminism and attractiveness, but if there's something else specific with Stephanie that you're not liking, please let me know. Some people may not like Katy Perry to begin with, ,so they'd even more so dislike a model based on her, and that's fine too, but it definitely helps us to know. So far I've gotten more positive than negative feedback, so I'd like to hear more about what you didn't like about her.


Once you have the demo out, I'll have a closer look and see if I can be specific about what I don't like. I don't see the same masculine cast in pictures of Katy Perry as I do in the model, but it's hard to say exactly why. Being able to rotate around her freely might help.


I should have a Patron build out by the end of the week. Any feedback is appreciated. It's all going back to the designer. :)


I've had a look at the demo now. Her resting face isn't too bad, but she instantly looks like a man when smiling, in a way that no picture of Katy Perry duplicates. I don't know if I can zero in on what the problem areas are, but there are some things that I think might help. 1) The eyes are too far apart. 2) The nose is too wide and somewhat too rounded. 3) The chin is too long and too wide. 4) The fact is too wide, and too rounded on the bottom half - the line between cheek bones and chin should be straighter. 5) The ears seem a bit low.