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Hey everybody!

I'm excited to announce that the new revision of the Brittney model has been finished!  She is the first of all of the House Party models to be completely re-made from the ground up.  This is going to allow a few different things.

For one, the newer models don't have as big of a footprint as the older ones.  This means that the game will run much faster and smoother, and it may be possible to port to Virtual Reality, tablets and mobile down the line.  Secondly, a lot of the awkwardness and issues I've had with the Daz models in the past is going away.  Daz models (though they work), are just not fit for games, and now I can spend less time trying to make them work and more time writing more story-lines.  Thirdly, this is going to allow me much more variation between all of the models in the game.  Previously, though the faces looked different, most of the models looked the same naked.  The new designer is going to be ensuring all the models have their own uniqueness to them both with their clothes on and off, and give each one their own personality and style.  Lastly, I think these new models look even better than the Daz models.  Tell me what you think!





I think you have to see her in game to see her in all her glory. There really is so much about her that stands out from the other models IMO. I have a revision 3 coming too as well. This version of the model is not quite finished yet. I am going to release a Patron's only exclusive build very soon to showcase the new model and the new house.


I've gound her of excellent quality!