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We’re getting closer and closer to the public release of the Game Grumps’ House Party content. In anticipation of this, we’ve got another beta for you to check out! 

Dig this: we’ve got every line of VA for every involved character in the game and every scene has been implemented. For all intents and purposes, this is content-complete! 

Something we’re very proud of is how fluid everything feels in this new content drop. The Grumps react to a ton of shit around the house and have a ton of reactionary dialogue to things you can give/do to them. Try out tons of combinations, like handing them stuff and then trying to beat their asses! Or throw something at them! 

In addition to the two endings that were already in place, we’ve expanded on the D-Club route (that’s not really an ending, but fun shit all the same). Now, instead of just leading towards Frank joining the D-Club, you can influence Arin to take matters into his own hands by fighting Frank. You may notice this causes some...physical changes in Frank.

On the technical side, there are improvements to the way characters hold certain items and graphical improvements to your fellow partygoers. We’ve also improved the lighting in certain areas of the house, with a focus on the outside. In general, it’s taken a ton of polish to get the Grumps’ storyline to where it is currently, and we know we have a bit more to do, but we hope you’ll agree things are shaping up re-he-heal nice. 

Enjoy breaking our shit! 

-Eek Team




House Party 0.16.4 Windows 64 Bit
House Party 0.16.4 Windows 32 Bit 




is there a way to play the grumps story already?


Yes, it's available in the current Beta. Talk to Katherine a bit more ;)