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At first, you were perpetually annoyed with her new e-reader. Every free second she had was with her eyes glued to the thing. Sure, in reality she wasn’t spending any more time on it than she was on her phone before- but it felt all the more obnoxious to pull out a giant clunky device instead of a comparably polite sized phone. She didn’t seem any more stagnant than before, but you could swear she put on a few pounds since her reading addiction formed.

She even stuck with it through the manufacturers recall. Apparently her make and model of e-reader had a problem with the screen, where it would emit a wavelength of light that was bad for your circadian rhythm, messed with your hormones or something. She wouldn’t have any of it, though, the long awaited finale to her favorite book series just released- and nothing was going to stop her now. 

As much as her constant lazing around the house peeved you, you did secretly enjoy that her favorite reading position was laying on her stomach. Sometimes she would catch you staring, and, well- at least some things still took priority over reading. Come to think of it, your ‘intermissions’ with her seemed to be more frequent.. maybe it was that you were staring more? How could you help it, all this weight she’s been putting on was strangely coalescing in one place.

You had completely forgot about her e-reader now, in light of the anomalous mass her backside has become. At some point it had crossed the threshold between “oh she’s just putting on some weight” to “I’ve never seen anyone with a butt that big”- and since then, she’s only continued to grow. All your furniture creaks under her, and you can hear her heavy footfalls from anywhere in the house as they strain your floorboards. 

You have to admit you concern was overshadowed, some animal part of you, deep down- was absolutely raging over her figure; just seeing her massive figure slightly larger each day kept you perpetually bristling with excitement. You’ve had to adopt new techniques to keep her satisfied, but it doesn’t compare to the new echelons of pleasure you’re launched to with her coy maneuvering. Being claustrophobically engulfed by her monstrous thighs felt like being injected with jet fuel- and her deft, measured movements only milked your high to the greater peaks each time she indulged you. Despite your lengthy sessions with her taking up most of the day, she still somehow finds the time to log some hours on her e-reader…



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