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With quiet observation over the past week, you were able to conclude she was definitely growing. It was hard to notice at first, she used to have such a lithe figure, and its not often you're considering their lower diameter. But now, there was no mistaking it, her once modest backside looked like something you’d expect to see bouncing out of a plastic surgeons office, and it was growing bigger by the day.

Maybe it was your less-than-subtle gawking, or her shrinking selection of pants that still fit.. but your collective plausible deniability was too strained to continue, and she decided to sit you down and bring you up to speed. You tried your best to keep your eyes from wandering during her monologue, as her sitting figure spilling out over the couch only pronounced her recent developments.

She’s working on a new formula as part of a government contract, a drug to help ‘promote fertility’. She had exposed herself to the chemical in an accident, but upon realizing its effects.. she couldn’t help but continue sneaking small doses. Blushing, she admitted that she got a thrill from the growth, and can't bring herself to stop despite its embarrassingly obvious effects.

You were astonished at her frank admission to such an fixation, but at the same time, perversely excited at the prospect. Each one of her thighs already rivaled your diameter, and with how each piece of furniture creaked under her advances- you suspected they shared your weight too. And she wanted to get, bigger?! 

Unable to pick up on your internal drooling, she decided she needed to persuade you. Standing in front of you, her hips nearly filled your entire field of view, and their incredible mass was only more pronounced when she kneeled her incredible thighs to either side of you, straddling your small body between hundreds of pounds of warm flesh. Her kneeling thighs were too massive for you to even reach the couch you were sitting on… all you could do is reach toward her welcoming embrace.



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