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Hey! The previous poll, for illustration #35, is now over, and you can check out the results here. Thumbnail #3 came out on top by quite a bit, so that's the next one I'll be working on. I know some of you have been interested in that one for a long time, so I'm happy it finally got through. :)

And here's the new poll, for illustration #36!

Download the attached image to see the thumbnail sketches you can choose between (or use this link)

It turns out I was just dumb last time, and you can actually vote for multiple ones in Patreon polls, so let's try that this time. :) Vote for all the ones you like best!



Ciarán M

Wow, looking back at the results, people really liked thumbnail #3 from last time. Well, I'm eager to see you paint it in full. As for this poll, I've gone for #3, #4, #6 and #8. #4 is definitely quite the interesting one with #8 being my favourite.


I can't seem to choose or pull up the thumbnail


I'm gonna vote for #7, that one has been rolled over so many times now it's just silly, it needs to be made. :D


I had some issues posting the poll too, so there might be issues on Patreon's end today. Try again in a little bit. :) I also added an extra link to the thumbnails if you can't download the attached file.


Oh sweet mother of, 4!!!!!!


No anal again.. =(

Pierre D.

Going to vote for 5 until it gets done. Also 2, 4, 7 and 8. Lots of good ones here.


\o/ Yay! #3! Finally. It was worthy to wait


The #4 looks so cool !!


Umm, will there be a futa one sometime, or don't you do those?

Gaston Denton

Damnit, I didn't realize there was another poll. I somehow didn't get any message about that. Well, I hope I can vote for 6 or 8 next time then.