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Hey! Here's the illustration I worked on through February! I wanted to have it done a couple of days ago, but I had stared at it for so long at that point that I had a hard time knowing what was left to do on it, lol. So I took a much needed break from it and worked on some other stuff in the mean time. If you've ever stared yourself blind on a picture, stepping away from it for a couple of day really helps a lot!

A good friend of mine has a character I enjoy and I wanted to do an illustration of her (or at least my interpretation of her), so this painting shows her daydreaming a little bit. :) If you're curious, the character's name is Haifang, by @CalliopeXRPG.

And here are the download links for this one:
WIP images   Short time lapse (48m)   Long time lapse (10h 20m)   PSD files 

This one is the final illustration that was decided through the now discontinued polls, so from now on I'll just work on whatever inspires me in the moment, like I talked about last month! I'd like to try and see if I can do some paintings next where I'll spend a little bit less time on each so I can post more often. Some of the pictures I've spent the least time on are the ones I'm the most happy with and had most fun with, so I'm excited about trying to make some more of that type over the next couple of months. :)

While I didn't post WIP updates throughout the process of this one, I'll see if I can find some opportunities to do that a bit more going forward instead of only showing the WIPs at the end. Also, if you check out the time lapse of this one, you'll notice the process got a little bit chaotic at times. 😅 I fumbled around a bit while trying out some new stuff, and I learned a ton, especially about how to use Linear Burn, Linear Dodge (Add) and Linear Light! But I'm still sort of digesting the stuff I learned and it hasn't fully crystallized into a workflow I enjoy, but hopefully it will over the next few illustrations. I'll probably aim for a bit less juggling of tons of layers. I really don't like that, lol. We'll see! I'll try to update you guys on my thoughts on the stuff I've learned once I feel more confident in its usefulness.

Thanks for supporting my work through February! I hope you found a lot of stuff you like in the new gallery post I made last month. I've updated it with all the stuff for this new illustration as well, if you need to find that again in the future. 👍

I'm gonna go draw some more now, I'm excited!




Thanks so much for sharing your PSD files. This will help me refine my own process! And, it goes without saying, but your work is unparalleled. Exxxquisite stuff!


love it!!!


It's wonderful. I can't wait to see what you draw next now that you'll be drawing what you personally want to.


I'm so excited for this new workflow for you! Already coming out of the gates with fresh fun ideas. Thanks so much for your work! 🤗🤗🤗

SoundGate Audio

SOMEONE CALL THE COPS!!!... Cause I'm about to murder my dick!!! (J/K) Great job as always Calm. Keep it up.

Simon Delott

Oh she's living my dreams. Love this.

Ciarán M

Firstly, it'll definitely be exciting to see what new works you come up with. And I find personally that when I'm sketching, I tend to prefer the ones I spend less time on too, leaving things a little looser, so I can see where you're coming from there 😸 As for this painting, hooo boy! I am in love with all of these colours! The warm skin tones of the character really pop against all of the blue, likewise, the pink/purple sheets, as well as the pink tips of the ding-dongs look great too with that smooth colour transition and contrast with the blues. I always go on about the character's poses but I'm not 100% sure where to start here 😹 I guess I'll go with the top left and say that I love the way her legs spread out and straddle the guy who would be under her, as well as the lovely overlapping shapes of her butt. The colours and rendering of her skin looks so nice here, I really like contrasts here in the skin tones, with the darker blue tones on the top planes, while also having pale blues mixed into the lower shadows. All of this makes her skin so vibrant and the shadows wrapping along the lower planes of her butt and thighs are accentuated beautifully by the pale blue tones within them. And of course, all of the goop wrapping over her butt and thighs adds even more definition to her shapes and I do like the soft, white edge-lighting along the top planes, adding even more definition. As for the middle pose, I really like the pale edge-light on her shoulder that runs down her back. The overall contrast with warmer, brighter skin tones on her back and side planes against the shadows on her chest/breasts and her left arm looks so nice and defines all of her plane changes so perfectly. I especially love the soft, smooth blue tones mixed into the shadows on her breasts and arms. I also like how her left arm starts to fade into the background too, giving that depth-of-field effect and I think it adds to the dream-like effect. Her rich blue hair is really beautiful and I particularly like how you've done it. My favourite area is the part between her ear and shoulder, where you've got this great contrast between light and dark tones that makes the strands pop, while also giving them this painterly texture with the hard edges between light and dark. Her face looks terrific too with the strong contrast between light and dark, as well as those subtle blue tones mixed into the shadows. Her features are perfectly defined, vibrant and with terrific textures! As for the bottom pose, her hair has this lovely shine to it and again, the contrast in light and dark is amazing and I love how you define the strands. The hair has this sense of weight as it sweeps and folds over itself with this great flow as it curves and meanders. One of my favourite parts of her body is actually her right arm, I really like the cool shadows with a warm light on her bicep adding contrast. The bright white edge-lighting on the shoulder, as well as the pink blended into her elbow area are really lovely too, adding more definition and vibrancy. I do love her other arm too with the clear contrast in light and shadow running down the forearm and defining the plane changes. The shadows wrapping over and between her breasts and stomach are amazing and I really like the subtle blue tones mixed into the tops of her thighs. A great detail I also like is how there's these lights blending into the shadows on her chest/breast beneath her phone screen. Her face is utterly fantastic too! I love the edge-light and shadow on her right side, defining her face and cheek, with extra warmth added by her rosy red blushing. The lip bite is super sexy too and I do always enjoy blue eyed characters! 💙💙 There's so much more I could talk about here in regards to the character and I didn't even touch on the background... or all the weenises either 😹 Suffice to say, you did a brilliant job with all of it! Everything here has amazing detail, all so bright and vibrant with beautiful lighting that makes everything pop. Absolutely fantastic work on this piece and I definitely enjoyed seeing this beautiful character (also the green kitty teddy is fun too 💚) 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Mmmmm colorful dicks! :D


The depth you pulled off is amazing


Amazing. Explosion of dicks. TurboCat is there to watch the action!


This looks absolutely amazing as always. I can't wait for the next illustration to pop up!


Man this is amazing, it's something I'd expect to see framed in a kinky boudoir hotel (no idea if that actually exists - off to find out)


Everything you do is amazing! And the thing I like best, is that all of your characters are happy and enjoying themselves.


It's amazing how from Illustration 1 to 91 you get see the progression has become so inspiring to push forward. Ty for sharing what and how you create your passion.


oh cute asian girl, would cool if draw other ethnicities

Andrew Jones

Love the color and the vividness of this piece of art. Oh yeah, it's super hot too!


Man this looks awesome, one of my favourite pieces. The daydreaming concept would be cool to see in more pieces. Thank you


Absolutely Perfect! My favorite one! Those colors!


Love this cumtastic pic!


I'm glad you like it! And I hope you find the hotel, lol.


It's my pleasure, really! It's fun to hear you like the progress I've had :)


Thanks! It's fun to explore different looks, so I'd like to keep doing that :)


Thanks! It's a concept I really like to, so it could maybe show up again. :)


Wow, new entry in my top 5 faves! 😱 Great work, and I appreciate the WIP and process video


Thank you! I'm glad you like the process stuff 😄


I just want to say thank you, i've been subbed for less then 24 hours and already i've learned something new!


Hey, that's great! I'm glad to hear that. And welcome! :)