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Here's the finished illustration, finally! Sorry about it taking a bit longer than it should have. I feel like these bathing scenes have become sort of a thing I do. I like them! Even so, I still think it's pretty hard to draw water, so, uh, I guess I better continue doing them so I get better at it!

So, this has been my second attempt at a full-on 3D assisted workflow, and there's been a lot of useful things to learn from it, which is great! I am starting to feel a little bit fatigued by the more complex tools involved in it though, which I sort of expected would happen. So unless inspiration strikes me again in the next few days, I think the next illustration coming up might have a more typical 2D workflow. It can feel good to keep it simple sometimes, and I sort of expect a bunch of you will be happy about that. :)

Speaking of my typical workflow, I feel like it's been a good thing for me to get away from that for a couple of months now. It helps me gain some perspective on it and see it a little bit more objectively, instead of feeling kinda stuck in a particular workflow, if that makes sense. And I notice some things about it now that could be better or could change. I'll probably talk more about that later!

Anyway, thank you very much for supporting me, everyone. There are so many of you here now, it's wild. I'm super glad to have you all here, and I'll continue to try my best to make it worthwhile for you. :) Keep an eye out for the rewards in your inbox soon!




Very much looking forward to it!


Take your time, Calm. You're doing amazing things!


Is this the one that won the last poll...its doesnt look like it....I was really looking forward to that one..


Hope everything is alright


ヽ(*^ー^)人(^ー^*)ノCalm down!Six days left! Looking forward to it!


Take care and be safe

Unknown Guardian

Do not rush it! Give it the time it needs, cuz I don't want to get it like CP2077 😂 😂


I wish you keep health in 2021!

Ciarán M

Ooooooh hot damn! Now this absolute masterpiece is worth any amount of waiting 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 Firstly, I adore the colours here, the overall cool blue tint to everything is gorgeous with some other tones to break it up, like the plants, somewhat brassy metallics, the drink to the side and of course all of that beautifully painted nude skin 😉 The textures are as great as ever and I love the painterly, pock-marked rockfaces throughout the image and the way they're tinted either white from the exterior light or blue from the water. The twisting, bulging bark of the little tree is great and I love how it's shapes interlock, while the metallics throughout and the glass bottles have a lovely shine. The characters all look terrific with the ones in the background really looking nice. I like the way you render them with some sharper colour/lighting contrasts, with the blue tinting mixing in with the dark shadows. The woman on the left and the couple in the middle show this off beautifully with the woman's thighs really popping, as well as the man's neck/shoulder muscles. The woman on the right looks gorgeous too, I love her reclined pose, long and flowing hair, her smile and the way her leg raises and bends, giving us a bit of a tease. Her natural breasts with a sense of weight to them and great use of edge-lighting and shadows to make them pop are definitely a treat too. And an excellent detail is her reflection down in the water below. And as for the main centrepiece couple.. wow! I really love their pose and expressions, the smiles are always so welcome, showing the fun your characters have together. The woman's pose is so cool and dynamic with foreshortening as she leans back, twisting with her upper and lower halves bending out from each other, her legs elegantly flowing out too. And I really like how she reaches out to caress the man's chest while turning to smile at him. (Also the combo of her short, wavy black hair, glasses and little beauty mark makes me think of Bayonetta and that is always a good thing! 😸) As for the rendering of these two, I really like the different skin tones keeping them even more distinct from one another. Features they share in common that look terrific are the shining, wet textures to their bodies as well as that gorgeous blue glow from the water bouncing up onto them. The man's shoulder, pec and inner thighs, as well as the lady's legs and raised foot all pop so nicely with the contrasting blue glow really accentuating those areas and adding further definition (And on the guy's hand as he holds her inner thigh too). For the man specifically, I really like the light, cool tint to the back of his hair, contrasting with the brown tones and defining it further, as well as the bright white lighting on his face, achieving similar things as the hair. The overall lighting on his body and legs with shadows running down the side planes and warm brown skin on the front is a great contrast and defines his features so well. I especially like his right thigh with the white lighting mixed into the shadows defining the muscles and knee. And as for the lovely lady herself, that black hair looks utterly luxuriant, especially with the bright edge-lighting and I really love all the strands breaking away and curling around and over her face. Her face looks wonderful too with the shadows perfectly sculpting her features and I really love her shoulders and arms with edge-lighting and a mix of warm and cool light and shadows defining both of them. The legs are absolutely masterpieces with amazing rippling lighting and colours, white edges on top, warm skin tones in the middle with blue-tinted shadows. And of course her breasts look amazing too with a sheen to the skin and smoothly blended, more subtle shadows defining them (I also love the shine on her abs too. Also the blue cushions that the guy is against, I forgot to mention them but they have a great texture and contrasting bright and dark tones) Breathtaking work on this piece! The colour palette is something I adore with the overall cool blue tone with vibrant lighting and colour contrasts. All topped off amazing textures and really beautiful characters all having a lovely time. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


The quality every time you top yourself awesome it gets everytime more realistic every time we can see how your drawing skills evolve from picture to picture


duuuude, the bathing scenes ar def your things! its awesome!!


Awesome, looks great! Looking forward to it 👾😊


I love glasses :-D


much love to you sir <3 this is looking so good


Good work as always!


i absolutly love this. Would be awesome to see some more in this style once in a while


Thank you! Always happy to see you're finding a lot to like. 😄 I've been a little bit on the fence about the cold lighting in this one, so it's nice to hear you say you enjoy it.


Hey thanks, I'm glad you feel like there's progress there, I appreciate hearing that!


Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Hopefully I can bring some of what works well in this style into the next illustrations. :)