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Just four this time around! Find your favorites and give them your votes. You can vote for more than one if you want to.

Lately I'm sort of trying to alternate which ones I put in the poll, instead of having all the same ones plus one or two new ones every time. Maybe it'll make some of the older sketches feel a little bit more fresh when you don't see them every single time.

If you wanna see which one I'm currently making while this poll is running, check out the results of the previous poll.

And forgive me for having been a bit quieter than usual this month. I thought January would let me focus more than December did, but it unfortunately didn't turn out that way. So I hope you'll bear with me if I'm a few days off schedule again. I'll do what I can to avoid it. :)

I hope you're all doing great!




These are all amazing, a very hard choice! But the colours in 3 and 1 stand out the most to me! Hope you can get a moment to yourself soon, Calm!


2 - 3 I like the focus on the girls. When are we getting a short haired girl :( Keep up the good work

Simon Delott

These all look good, but 1 and 3 are SO good.


I prefer long haired women most of the time, which is why you see them in my pictures so often, but the one in the illustration I'm working on at the moment has kind of short hair. :)

Wesley Gunder

fixing to say that it looked like you retired ones that good portion of patreons always voted for but never got, beggining to wonder if there is way to commission to have them done!


For some reason less options makes it harder to choose! Ahhh!


Don't worry, it doesn't necessarily mean they're gone forever. I just figured people might see them with fresher eyes if they've been gone for a bit. So I want to alternate between smaller sets of sketches instead of having all of them in every poll, if that makes sense.


Hi! I'm new here and i absolutely adore what you doing <з I saw you mentioned that you stream friday-monday, any chance you could tell the approximate time when you are planning to start? thanks!


Hey, welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :) I'm afraid I don't have a strict schedule for my streams. My sleep schedule is always pretty messed up, so my work schedule is too, and the streams can sort of happen at any time of the day unfortunately.


I definitely like this approach of fewer options! And with being able to pick multiple sketches its closer to ranked choice voting, which is great.