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It's time for a poll again! I'm giving you a bit more time this time around so all of you have time to get your votes in. The poll should be up for at least a week, possibly a bit longer depending on how long the illustration I'm working on now will take to finish. (You're always more than welcome to stop by my live streams and check how the illustration is coming along by the way!)

Find the thumbnail sketches you like best and vote for as many or as few of them as you like. I look forward to seeing what you vote for. :)




Ghosties! After seeing that yesterday, it's an obvious choice. Would love to see 7 and 8 as well though

Ciarán M

Definitely a lot to like here, with the ghost lady pinup being quite the interesting and fun idea. In the end, I've opted for #01, the dynamic nature of the poses with the arching and twisting of the man, with the arching of the lady as well as the motion of her hair and breasts make it a very fun and appealing situation to put in a pinup 😄... that and it's sexy 😉😂


Would love to see the ghostie pic completed!, the atmosphere would be awesome to see what you do with it, and it would make a great piece :D Hopefully if it doesn't get this cycle it's chosen soon after! Happy voting and have fun painting Calm! :)


I'm voting for n°1 mostly because I get a slight Poison Ivy vibe out of it. :3


So hard to choose once again calm. I almost voted for everything again e.e


Its so hard to choose! I want 2 because the dude looks cool but I really like the ghost looking for something to steal D:

Pierre D.

1, 3, 4, 7, 8 and not necessarily in that order. 8 is really different from the ghostly figures and so on, so I'd favour that one more if pressed.


Ghosts and Dryad! Yay!


Also yay! The tentacle island finally won! Can’t wait to see it :3


So many beautiful options. But holy cow I wish #5 would win. <3


Smashed that vote button for #1 and #8 !!