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Here's the poll for the illustration I'll be working on this month! I figured I'd try the shorter duration for the poll again, like last time. It'll be about 3-4 days this time. If that's too short for some of you, let me know, and I'll make sure to give you more time for the next one. :)

Find the thumbnails below that you like best and give them a vote! You can vote for as many or as few of them as you like. I hope there's something all of you can enjoy here. :)




#9! #9! #9!


Things are lookin hot for number 9 :D Which ever piece wins good luck~!

Ciarán M

Oh, has to be #3 for me, not only is it a sexy scenario, but I love the dynamic poses of the characters with the curving and twisting of their bodies 😄.


Wait wait wait, hold the fuck up, is #9 here finally going to see the light of day? Been there for as long as #1 I believe.


We have a good choice of tree here!

Pierre D.

9, 2, 3, 5


4 is delightful, and 2 & 5 align with my favorite theme, but really all of them are great. Except #9, lol. :P


No fan of tentacles, huh? :) I'd feel bad about you paying me for content you're not into, so don't be afraid to pause your pledge for that one.


1, 3, 5 ... my gods 5


Nice ones. AND YAY! 9 is finally in the lead!


Finally #9!.. but really.. that rock has room for another figure or 2 if you get creative :) I mean if we're only gonna do tentacles once a year.. might as well make it count, right? :-D


Heheh, I don't think I wanna mess too much with the composition there. It can quickly get a bit visually chaotic and cramped. :)


The time is too short. I sometimes only get one once a week


Noted. :) I'll make sure to give you more time for the next one. Thanks for letting me know!