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(♡°▽°♡) In Rebirth, I really, really hope we get to see even more closeness between Cloud and Tifa and - oh yes! - the gold saucer date!! What about you? What do you hope to see?

For my milkies: you can find the non watermarked version on mega, of course!




Love it. That is an especially beautiful expression on Tifa’s face.

Peter Ba

I hope we get a fully interactive under the Highwind scene


Yay! ^_^)/) I was hoping it would come across, that she's looking at Cloud, in love.


... XD Oh gosh imagine. Gotta be careful not to "thrust into the chocobo's" by accident.


Agreed. I'm not going to lie, I hope the Gold Saucer date is based on how you treat the other party members just like the OG and the Yard scene in Remake. As long as the Tifa scene is canon!


I hope that in Rebirth we'll have nice CloTi moments, like we did in Remake, that are not optional. Technically, in OG, you were able to decide who to give the flower to as well. In Remake, you weren't able to choose- it was meant to be for Tifa etc. And I hope for something like that! ^.^


Oh you are absolutely correct. There were a lot of Cloti Moments. Jumping off the train was another of my favorites. I'll take moments like this all day. Solidify the Cloti relationship with these moments. I just like have the options for fun replay value. For example I the loved messing up the play. Hilarious 😂


Oh yes, oh yes. Though you know what I hope even more for? That.. we'll not only get CloTi, but also a Zerith moment! I want Zack and Aerith to meet again. I need them to!


I hope tifa decides to get intimate with yuffie and uses a materia to grow a futa penis 🫠


That's a great picture of the two of them together. They look fulky engaged with each other regardless of their surroundings. You definitely caught the look of Tifa's adoration. Like the matching color scheme of their outfits and Tifa's eyeshadow. The matching earrings and belt buckle is another nice connecting touch.


Awww this is so cute! I like how you and Ria are feeding us these sweet Cloti Pieces (You both have a unique styles for them)! Absolutely lovely pieces thanks so much for working so hard to feed us xD!




Tifas Gesichtsausdruck sagt einfach alles <3 Die Outfits der beiden sind scharf vor allem Clouds kenn ich so glaube ich nicht. Ich hoffe für dich mit, es muss mehr Szenen mit den beiden geben und Gold Saucer wäre perfekt :)


Absolutely beautiful, and always so adorable to see them wear matching wardrobe! And yes, more CloTi content in the Rebirth installment, can’t wait especially to see how their Gold Saucer date will go! 🥰🙏💖

Robert Molt

LOVE your fanart! This should totally be an idea to which you return, as it is such fertile ground for CloTi people (or Clerith or whatever you call all 3 of them). I love the sparkles you put on her dress, what a nice touch.

Robert Molt

I 100% agree, I so want to see more between Tifa and Cloud. Honestly, I also want to see more closeness between Aeris/Cloud, too. I thought remake did such a great job showing the chemistry. I have faith they can move slowly, in subtle ways, like they did in remake. That will be the best for us, as fans...even though my heart longs to see an elaborate intimacy between them building and building. It would be so cool to see them in dates at Gold Saucer. My wife and I are very enthusiastic to see another scene like in the Haunted chapter where Aeris/Tifa are both on Cloud's arm! I want to see Aeris/Tifa be affectionate to each other, like in the sewer chapter, too. I am going to be watching for Tifa's facial reactions when Cloud talks on Nibelheim, looking for signs of pain/confusion at his story. I would love to see Aeris/Tifa holding hands on the beach in Costa del Sol in bikinis. I would love to see the party change clothes for the wintery Icicle Inn (super excited at the idea of a new outfit for Tifa, something sexy yet warm). I will be excited just to see little moments of any of Aeris/Tifa/Cloud just sitting quietly together, having a moment, amidst all the backdrops of the world. I hope the Myhtril Mines are shiny and sparkly, almost pseudo-romantic as they go through them. I imagine Nibelheim (the 'real" one) will be terribly frightening for Tifa/Cloud, so that will be poignant art. Lastly, if they get that far, the scene of Cloud in the sector 7 train station, just after he gets to Midgar, and Tifa finds him, will be the crown jewel.....

Robert Molt

I LOVE the cheesy moments in Remake like when Cloud falls ontop of Tifa in chapter 5...I am happy to get more like that. I have to remember that as much as I want to see them having very intense naughty relations, what makes their relationship beautiful is the slow buildup


Ohhh yay. You noticed the belt buckle!! Wonderful! hihi. Thank you! <3


Gosh, you are so very sweet, Bee! ^.^ I truly am honored. Personally, I wish I'd know how Ria does her eyes. Or that maybe she'd share her Vincent or even the FF9 models with me so I could also make nice images but alas. A dream is a dream. Hihi.


Ja? I even matched his shirt color to Tifas dress!! (To be honest, this is John Seeds outfit from Far Cry but it just fits so well here!)


Tatsächlich ist das von Cloud ein Outfit was aus Far Cry ist- aber fand es einfach so passend! ^.^ Bin echt froh dass dir das hier gefällt. Ich hoffe, wir bekommen das Gold Saucer Date im 2ten Teil!


Right? Gosh! Is it weird that I hope Tifa will have a nice outfit for Gold Saucer? xD


I really, really hope we get this date in Rebirth. And also, I kinda hope we get to see Tifa in yet another dress. Like.. they want to go on an actual date and she dresses up again for it.


Aside from all of that, what I personally wish for, is Zack and Aerith to meet again. And I know.. it will happen. I just don't know "how" -but it will. And I can't wait for that. There will be so many cool moments in Rebirth! I hope we'll get news on it, end of next month (after FF16 released).


Könnte ja wie im ersten Teil sein, da hatte man die Szene ja auch mit Tifa, Aerith oder Barret. Und in Original ist die doch auch drin wenn ich mich richtig erinnere

OneHandedStunt - Richard

I know because of Cloud there is a lot focus on Tifa regarding the hopes of that story. I personally am more intrigued about Aerith not being only the "third wheel that's nice" getting more complexion and maybe shows another shade of her character.

TOURNIER Akhénaton

If I don't get my gold saucer date with Barret, I'm gonna be really disappoint 😥


Oh I really hope Aerith gets more complexion. And even more so, I hope Aerith and Zack will meet again. Somethign tells me their parts are bigger in the game than ever before.

Robert Molt

Oh hell yes. I love her various dresses, I would love to see more. I hope there are many dates

Jonas Morés

This dress is a classic (Since the original game). Very curious, anxious, excited about what I'll see in Rebirth. ^^


Gosh. I can't wait for Rebirth- and rebirth news. I am so anxious for it!