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(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ Favourite thing? Hah. Everything! And as such, I simply made a render showcasing Tifa in the 'latest' timeline as we know it. Advent Children.

To be honest, I think this is yet another render I personally think turned out really nice (this one, and the hospital one from before) and I hope you enjoy it too!

Milkies: you can find the non watermarked version on the mega archive! ♡




xD hey now. I tried my best to show Marlene as she is in advent children!!


Marlene reminds me of Wednesday Addams in this render.


On the first look I didn’t see the watermark just some stitching in the shirt.


Such a wonderful piece of art :) also Yuffie will be happy with the amount of materia you have over there xD


Awesome render! To be honest, I do prefer the AC version of Cloud and Tifa, A job well done! 🫡


great work as always


So viel Materia, Yuffie wäre stolz 😁 Marlene erkennt man, kann mich gar nicht mehr erinnern das die in AC vorkam😅 Man jetzt will ich ein Remake von dem Film xD


AC Cloud is my favourite Cloud - outfit wise. Tifa, too!! °O° So I totally agree.


Beautifully done!


Total, man will schon gerne wissen, wie das Leben nach dem Film bzw. Spiel dann weiterging. Träumen kann man ja :)


Wow! I feel like I can still make out her beautiful figure, even under all that clothing!😍 That's quite an achievement to have made her so hot, even in her AC outfit!👍🏻


^.^ I really like her advent children outfit. I know most people love the traditional skirt and top but.. tifa and cloud in their AC outfits are a highlight to me.


Yeah, AC is a cool-looking outfit for sure; I'd just never thought of it as a sexy outfit, yet you did just that! Though, maybe I shouldn't be surprised; after all, it is Tifa – and you – we're talking about!😉

OneHandedStunt - Richard

Kids in Games... always creepy and somewhat difficult to deal with. I like the outfits, though.


Also, kids eyes are always bigger than adults- and that in itself can look uncanny in 3D at times ;_;

OneHandedStunt - Richard

Exactly. Additionally most developers use children in a very superficial way. So in most games they're irrelevant at best and in the worst case hurtfully annoying


Lots of colorful balls I see 🥵

Jonas Morés

Beautiful as always. It's just joy when Sreliata brings a new render of Tifa. An NSWF in this outfit will look magnificent! I'm sure you'll get the right inspiration. ^^

Jonas Morés

I think this outfit. Demonstrates and passes the maturity, grief of Tifa. No longer a girl, but a woman. And God! What woman. ^^