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Since Deliora’s attack on my village, one year has passed.

During this time, I have spent most of my time traveling with Warrod, collecting rares plants for his garden and such, and on the go, he would teach me a thing or two about magic, and how it operated, sometimes I would not understand a thing.

I mean, for a man that hadn’t had access to magic prior to this world, some of his explanations felt foreign, but even then, he would take his time teaching me until I got it.

It also helped that whatever my first purchase did, helped me get a good understanding of how magic works, on a basic level, at least.

If I had to describe him, I would say he was a rather eccentric man, but one with his heart in the right place, always ready to help if it was within his capabilities.

Eventually, after I heard of Deliora’s demise, I decided it was time to move on.

I was confident in my current abilities.

In any case.

Warrod had said so himself, saying that I was already stronger than him, when he went on his first adventure, and that I would only find a purpose in life outside.

He then made a pee joke, which I ignored.

One year living with him had made me immune to them, though I still avoided drinking anything in his house, just in case.

So with all said and done, I embarked on my journey.

All I had on me was a map, some provisions, and some money Warrod had given me for emergencies.

According to the map, the closest town to his house was a village named Sun Village.

That name sounds familiar, Sun Village, I wonder if this is canon important.

“Sun village, here I go,” I said, mostly to myself.


It took me one week to reach the village because thankfully it was not that far away from Warrod’s house.

The village in question was not what I was expecting, though it did jog my memory a bit when I arrived, and now I remembered where I had heard the name of the village before.

The place was filled with Giants, literal giants, it was somewhat intimidating, and who could blame me, I barely reached their ankles.

“Hello, there little human,” One of the giants spoke, snapping me out of my train of thought.

“Hi,” I greeted in kind.

“What brings you here?” The giant asked.

“Nothing in particular, just exploring,” I replied.

“Ho, well, go on then,” The Giant smiled, finding my answer amusing. 

Well, that was easy, I almost thought he was going to go full Attack on Titan on my ass, welp, luck is on my darn side.

“Hi,” I heard the voice of a girl say behind me.

Turning around, I expected to find a giant girl greeting me, but instead found a very normal-sized red-haired girl, staring at me, “You’re like me,” 

“I… I guess?” I replied with a smile, “The name is Gale Amara, a pleasure to make your acquaintance,”

“Flare Corona,” Oh, of course, the girl from Raven Tail, well ain’t that a kick in the boot.

“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Corona,” I bowed ever so lightly. “Now, would you mind telling me where the nearest human-sized bathroom is? I don't want to be a bother, but I don’t feel like swimming in a toilet if possible.”

“Sure,” Flare nodded, “You can use mine, it is the only one small in the entire village.”

“Well thank you very much,” I smiled at her.


Ten minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom a renewed man, shitting in the forest was good and all, but nothing like a toilet to make you feel like a human.

“Thanks for the bathroom,” I thanked her again.

“It’s okay,” Flare smiled, “Now… Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, hit me,” I nodded, only to be slapped by her immediately, “What in tarnation?”

“You said hit me…” Flare said, tilting her head in confusion.

“Is an expression,” I muttered, rubbing my cheek.

“Ohhh… what’s an expression?” Flare asked.

God, this was gonna be a long day, wasn’t it?


Five hours later, and I was done explaining miss literal about things like sarcasm, expressions, and other things.

Not sure she understood most of it, but she took notes.

“Oh, I see, so in that context hit me was ask your question, right?” Flare said, and I nodded.

“Yes, expressions are based on the context of the situation,” I nodded.

“Oh, ok, then sorry,” Flare smiled.

“It’s cool,” I sighed.

“So… Can I ask my question now?” Flare asked and I nodded, “Are you a boy or a girl?”

“Not sure if I should be insulted, or flattered, maybe me both,” I sighed with a chuckle, “I’m a man!” 

“Oh, but you are so pretty… your eyes, everything,” Flare replied.

“Well, men can still be pretty,” I chuckled, “Don’t worry your little head with that.”

“Ok,” Flare replied.

“Flare, I’m home!” I heard a Giant shout.

“I’m here, with the other human!” Flare shouted back.

“Oh hi little guy,” Oh, it was the guy that greeted me a few hours ago.

“Hi big guy,” I replied.


In the end, the Giant who acted as Flare’s dad convinced me to stay for the night, so I stayed.

It was nice sleeping on a bed anyways, besides I was in no rush, part of exploring was taking one’s time.

“Wake up, sleepy head!” Flare said, throwing a pillow at me.

“Wha *Yawnnnn* What time is it?” I asked, stretching my arms.

“Time for breakfast,” Flare replied with a smile.

“That… that doesn’t answer the question,” I sighed.

“Come on, the eggs will get cold,” And so I walked to the kitchen with Flare guiding me, to find two massive eggs, with two massive pieces of toast to go with him, and a glass of orange juice that was three times my size.

“That… that is more than I can possibly eat,” I said, that breakfast was big enough to feed half of Texas.

“I eat that every day,” Flare said, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

How… don’t ask, “Well, my stomach is smaller,”

“Oh,” Flare nodded to herself, “Then eat what you can, I’ll eat the rest.” She must have a black hole as a metabolism if she can eat that every day.

“Will do,” I nodded, climbing into the table, this breakfast would be quite the workout.

“I can help you if you want little human,” The Giant chuckled, picking Flare up and putting her on the table.

I shook my head, “There is no need,” deciding to use magic to speed up the process.

So, with extreme care, I used Tempest, to create a gust of wind strong enough to launch me into the table.

“Haha! That’s truly wonderful!” The Giant exclaimed, clapping his hands.

“Thanks,” I smiled at him approaching the massive breakfast.


After that unholy breakfast, I took two hours to digest what I had eaten to a point where I could move once more, even though what I had eaten didn’t even amount to a 10% of the entire thing, it had still filled me to the brim.

After that, I explored the town a bit with Flare acting as my guide and learned a few things about the giants and their culture.

For one, while physically strong, they were quite weak magically wise, having nearly no Ethernano in their bodies, which was the reason no giant ever left the village. Their saying was, alone they were weak, together they were strong.

After that, Flare took me to see the village’s holy flame, also known as the Eternal Flame.

A flame entirely made out of Ethernano.

If I remember correctly, the source of the flame was no other than the corpse of Atlas, the Flame Dragon.

Even in death, his magic was absurdly powerful.

“The eternal flame protects us,” Flare said, looking at the flame, “It helps us when we need it, and blesses us with the power to defend ourselves.”

“It’s beautiful,” I admitted, so close to a giant fire, and yet I felt nothing but welcoming warmth.

“It is,” Flare nodded in awe.


After a very thorough tour of the village, it was time to go.

It was time to continue with my adventure, besides, the next town was a few hundred miles away, time was of the essence.

“Bye!” Flare waved at me alongside her giant paternal figure at the entrance of the town.

“Bye,” I waved back at her, hoping that my little one on one with her would help her avoid Raven Tail.


Two hours in, the village was already nowhere to be seen.

My next destination?

Mikage Forest.

I would camp there, and continue in the morning, but for now, I needed to find a place to rest, if possible, a cave, but I wasn’t too picky.


On my way to my next stop, I found myself walking down an unnamed forest to cut some time into the next location.

When all of a sudden, an anthropomorphic gorilla-like man jumped at me, his fur was green, with his pectorals, abdominals, hands, ears, and facial features colored in a bright shade of purple.

“You no woman, you man, you die!” The gorilla chanted, over and over again.

“You furry, you die,” I replied in kind, blasting the thing out of sight with a tornado, I had no time to deal with Unga Bunga the furry.

[+15 POINTS]

Huh, defeating these things grant points, well ain’t that a treat.

“You no woman! You die!” Another… Well, I ain’t complaining, points are points.

[32 Illiterate Deceased Furries Later…]

“God… damn it…” I was panting by this point, I would kill one, and two more would appear.

“You no woman, YOU DIE!”

“For the love of God, change the dialogue!” Their rather repetitive dialogue was hurting me, which was the closest thing to real damage they had done during this match, for now, if this continued I would be eventually overwhelmed, and if I remembered correctly, taken over by their magic.

So it was time to run and recover and farm their furry asses later.

I had already farmed quite a bit.

480 Points, not bad for an hour.

But now I had to run.



Furry genocide is always the answer.


Quick question, are you planning to make the FT fanfic relatively short? Isn’t it a bit rushed? He’s living with one of the founders of the Fairy Tail Guild, one of the 4 Kings of Ishgar and more importantly a very interesting person :o why does he keep moving non-stop?


That what you saw were drafts, when I do make the novel, the time progression of the novel and other details will change, but the idea and other settings will remain.