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I don’t know for how long I ran.

But by the time my body gave up, I could no longer see the smoke of my town being burned to the ground or hear the screams of the people running for their life or dying.

[+2000 POINTS]

I was too tired to acknowledge that.

I just wanted to sleep.

I would also say eat but after the unquantifiable number of corpses I saw today, the last thing I wanted was to eat, it would not last too long inside me, I knew that much.

“Hello there,” I heard someone say, startling me.

In front of me, an old man stood looking at me with a warm smile, the old man in question had plant-like physical features that made you stare, with his head resembling a slightly gnarled tree trunk, with his hair resembling a leafy treetop. His attire consisted of a high-collared kimono tied with a belt, loose trousers, a coat, and a pair of boots.

In a way, the man looked familiar, like I had seen him before, but where? Was he a part of Fairy Tail?

“Hi,” I replied after recovering from my initial shock.

“What are you doing here?” The old man asked, the smile still in place.

“Running away from a rampaging monster that killed everyone I know,” I replied without missing a beat, it was, after all, the harsh truth. “What are you doing here?”

“Looking to pee, but you’re sitting on my peeing spot,” The old man replied.

“Darn it!” Tired, I forced my body to move, but the old man stopped me with a hand.

“I must apologize, I tend to joke so much I forgot this was not a situation for that,” The old man replied, ruffling my hair. “I’m sorry for your lost,”

I looked at him, and offered him an empty smile, “Don’t be, you didn’t kill everyone I know.” 

“My name is Warrod,” Warrod, one of the founding members of Fairy Tail… No wonder he looked familiar.

“Mine is Gale, a pleasure to meet you,” I replied in kind.

“So, what now?” Warrod asked.

“No idea,” I replied, understanding the question, what now? What was my next move? I had no idea.

“That’s no good,” Warrod sighed, taking a seat beside me, “One needs a goal in life.”

“I suppose mine is surviving,” I answered, “Find a job, get some shelter, and then see what comes next,” I smiled at him.

“That won’t do,” Warrod shook his head.

“Then what do you suggest?” I asked.

“Come with me,” Warrod smiled, ruffling my hair once again. 

I laughed, “I feel like I should scream stranger danger,” 

“Kukuku,” Warrod chuckled.

“So, if I decided to take your offer, what would happen next?” I asked.

“I would teach you the art of joking!” Warrod replied with passion.

“I suppose for now is better than the alternative, sure why not,” I smiled at him, now that I knew who the guy was, I knew he was not a threat, on the contrary, in this world where demons roam around, he was probably my safest bet.

“Kukuku,” Warrod chuckled, “Then let us go! To my treehouse,”

“Treehouse seems fitting,” I replied.

“It is, I grew the entire thing with my pee,” Warrod winked.

Was his entire joke material pee-related? 


Warrod carried me to his house in the middle of nowhere, because my body would just not move. I was tired and quite honestly didn’t want to move.

His treehouse was quite big and considerably cozy. The entire house smelled like a pine tree, which I assumed was Warrod’s doing.

“I’ll go make you a room, and don’t worry I won’t pee on it, today…” That will get old soon.

“Thanks for helping me,” Bad jokes or not, he was truly doing something he had no need of doing, beyond his weird, weird persona, he was a very good guy.

“Don’t think about it,” Warrod replied as I witnessed in awe how with a simple move of his hands he started the change the shape of his house, it was impressive, to finally see magic in action,

Magic was truly a wonder to see.

“That’s amazing,” I said, there was no shame in admitting it out loud.

“Well, thank you,” Warrod beamed, as he finished creating my room. 

“I’m tired,” I sighed, my body becoming heavier and heavier as the seconds passed, exhaustion was finally fully taking over.

“Sleep then,” Warrod replied softly.

“Thanks again,” I muttered, closing my eyes.

“There’s nothing to thank me for, it’s what she would’ve done,” Warrod replied as my mind and body drifted to a land of sleep and perhaps recovery.


I woke again, to find I had been sleeping for a week. According to Warrod, apparently unbeknownst to me, I had tapped into my ethernano or something to escape the town, which explained why I had run for so long without stopping.

I had no idea how that had happened, but apparently, it was a natural reaction when in such situations, it was like adrenaline or something.

Also, Warrod had added to his explanation that I had an abnormally big amount of Ethernano and that I had only worn out because I had tapped into it without knowing how to use it at all, which caused most of it to go to waste.

“So what do you want to do in life?” Warrod asked, a genuinely good question at that.

I had no idea what I wanted to do now.

No, that was bullshit, and I knew it, this world had more to offer than I could possibly fathom, so, why not try to take a hold of it?

“I think I would like to be a mage,” I replied, after all, only Magic would solve problems like Godzilla tearing everything apart.

“Oh, that’s easy!” Warrod chuckled, “I can teach you!”

I gazed at him and smiled, “Thanks,”

“Ah, hoot say nothing about it,” Warrod replied with a cheerful smile, “It’s what she would’ve done,” 

She as in Mavis Vermillion I guessed.


When Warrod started teaching me how to tap into my ethernano, I cheated.

Well, cheated was a strong word, I just wanted to play a prank on the old man, so when he explained how to connect to one’s magic, I opened the store in my head and bought something.

It was both a prank for him and an opportunity to test my alleged power out.

So I bought Tempest, the power of Howzer for 1910 points, and immediately after knowledge about the power filled my head.

Granted it seemed the knowledge invading my head was rather basic, just enough to give me a basic understanding of what I had bought and how to use it on a very natural level, nothing too in-depth.

In any case.

After that, I tested the power pranking the old man into thinking I was a prodigy or something, by tapping into my magic on the first try by creating a tornado. 

“Impressive!” Warrod said in awe, watching what I had done.

I’ll be honest though; I was more shocked than he was.

My power was real… I could really buy things, and they would work… the voice wasn’t all hat and no cattle, he had delivered.



Author Note: I am currently somewhat sick, and quite honestly haven't finished editing the next three chaps for marvel, so I thought to test a few ideas out. As you guys know, I am a man of many ideas, and more than not my two Raven Advisors, Hirsch and Asmodeus help me filter through them, otherwise, I would never know what idea could be a good one, and such. I have two ideas they helped me filter. What becomes of them is your call. Meaning? Well, if you guys like the drafts I posted, then I save this up as a work that needs to be made. If you don't like the idea, then we scratch it off.


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️