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Christmas was right around the corner, making this the first official Christmas with Natasha in my life. The preparations for the celebrations were under Fury, who had offered to organize the entire thing, as for me, same as always, grinding some exp.

My plan was to leave earth after new year’s eve, I wanted to finish the quest I had obtained a few weeks ago as soon as possible.

So, I had set the date to start the quest after new year’s eve, leaving the girls with Bucky.

The quest in question was an eluding manner, where to start? Where to begin? The quest in questions was hard, for in it there were beings I had to investigate that I had no idea about.

Yes, I had read about Knull and Kang, but very little, my knowledge about them was very lacking in substance, meaning finding information about them was a matter I had no idea how to tackle with.

Perhaps the Ancient One would know where to begin.

“You seem distressed,” That voice, the Ancient One, God I hate it when she does that, I should put a bell on her.

“Can you for once use the door?” I asked with a sigh, as I turned around to face her.

“Where’s is the fun in that?” The Ancient One smiled a mischievous smile.

“I hate you sometimes,” I sighed again, rolling my eyes at her.

Ignoring my annoyance, the Ancient One approached, taking a seat in front of me with a chair she made out of magic, “So, what has you distressed, my friend?”

“What do you know about Knull?” I asked, it was worth the shot.

“You are treading in dangerous waters,” The Ancient’s One tone got suddenly dark and borderline scary, for the first time since I had met her, she sounded angry, and maybe scared.

“If you don’t want to answer, I can understand,” I replied after I recovered from my initial shock.

The Ancient One stared at me, her eyes showing a turmoil of emotions when suddenly she said, “I don’t know much about Knull, Odin would know more, but what I know is that he is something you don’t want to mess with, he is the end of things, and the bringer of darkness, a being with no remorse, only hate.”

“I see,” I nodded.

“You already knew that,” The Ancient One muttered.

I looked at her, seeing her surprised expression set in.

“You truly are an anomaly,” The Ancient One sighed with a faint smile, “You know things beyond your years. I wonder, just who truly are you, Mr. Walker,”

I eyed her and chuckled, “A man trying not to die?” I offered.

“Haha, I suppose that is true,” The Ancient One giggled at my response. “Tell me something, is this new interest of yours a danger to our existence?”

“No,” I shook my head, “I just know that there are threats out there that we need to prepare,”

“I suppose we are more similar than I originally thought,” The Ancient One smiled, handing me a book she apparated from out of nowhere, “Learn the spells this book holds, once you have mastered this book, and its contents, come back to me, you will then find the answers you seek, for you will venture where even I haven’t dared to,”

I eyed the book, [Book of Cagliostro] then I turned my attention back to the Ancient One. “Thanks,”

“Don’t thank me yet, Mr. Walker, for this path you are taking, could very well kill you, and then you would curse me for helping you,” With that said, she teleported out of the room, leaving me with the [Book of Cagliostro]


[Odin Borson POV]

I eyed Yao as she teleported back into her office, where I was waiting for her. “You sure want to do that?”

Yao turned and chuckled, “He will find his answers one way or another, why not help him?”

I chuckled, “I suppose that is one way to tackle a situation, but for you to give that stone? I never thought I’d see the day.” 

Yao smiled, “I’m not giving him the stone, I’m just lending him the stone for a bit,”

“I know,” I sighed, “But time projection? Are you sure, he could die,”

“I know, and when he finishes that book I gave him, he will know too,” Yao sighed, taking a seat, “The only way for him to find his answers without destroying himself is this.”

“And who will protect him while he does that, you know as well as I do, he will defenseless while he does that,” I added.

“He will meet a few interesting individuals, so don’t worry,” Yao answered as cryptic as always.


[The Ancient One POV]

Time projection, the power of sending one’s consciousness back in time, it’s like dreaming, but you’re aware of what is happening, however unlike most dreams you are not in your body, in fact, possess the body of someone connected to you in the past, while on this state, you can change things, but the absolute points in time remain the same if the person you possessed was supposed to kill someone, and you refuse, that person would still die by your hands, with the body going back to autopilot, meaning what you could change was very little, and with how time works, non-important as it would eventually be washed away.

This mystic art is dangerous, for if you die in the past, you die for real, even if the events of the past continue as they were meant to be, your death will remain, that is the one fact time projection can change.

With this power, Alex would find the answers he wanted, and perhaps he would also understand his origins.

I could only hope.

I wonder how will he react when he finds out, he has familiar ties in this universe he once called foreign, I could only wait for his reaction.

“I hope you are ready to unveil the mystery of your own existence, Mr. Walker,” I smiled, for things were about to get mildly interesting.



Starting tomorrow, double chap release for a week.


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️