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Today I buy the last things my mom needs to tie the room together, but enough about that. I have news about novels, future projects, and upcoming chapters.

For Marvel Gamer Path

I will increase the number of updates, I slowed a bit this last arc while I planned how I would tackle the upcoming arcs.

For Naruto WOW and Overlord

This baby will be finished in a few months, and it’s ending will come in a mass release. I will post all the chaps once I get them.

For Twilight: We Are Venom!

This one, is still on a block.

Now, onto the upcoming projects.

DC: Don’t say a word

This one will come when Marvel Gamer ends.

Fairy Tail: The Sins of A Man.

This is a novel idea I had a long time ago, my two loyal Raven Knights have helped me to modify it here and there to get a better form for it.

The story it’s about a man, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and died, by a miracle he never asked for, he wakes up in the middle of nowhere as a kid, his name and his age lost to him, but soon he finds out he has a SHOP on his head to assist him, the SHOP itself it’s just that, a SHOP, the SHOP gives him access to the Seven Deadly Sins powers, from the weakest knight in the show, to the Demon King and the Supreme Deity herself, but such things are not free, he needs points, but how to obtain those points? Well, as bizarre as he finds this entire situation, he will find out soon enough.

Timeline : 4 years before the dragon slayers appear in the world, he would be on Laxus generation.

Love interest: hehe I won’t answer

The SHOP: each power has a price, the prices are however not cheap, at least for the good stuff, things like Sunshine or Infinity are expensive as fuck.

Initial Power: None, the SHOP is all he has in this setting, beyond that? He starts like a human kid, with nothing but his wits for a bit.

When will this be posted?: I don’t know, I like the idea, but for now I only have a few drafts my Raven knights check and let me know what they think and what it’s not right. Meaning I have no date in mind.



Okay. So .. that FT sins of man…. That’s so fuckn cool I can’t wait to read it 😍😍😍