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Even in times of abundant peace, heartbreaking moments are something to be expected, what did I mean by that? Well, Mito was dying, her old body was already failing to contain the Kyubi within her, meaning the village would soon need a new vessel to host the demon, and that new vessel was the newest resident of the village, Kushina Uzumaki. 

A girl I had paid no real attention to be honest, even though I had seen her around, according to my sources she arrived at the village a year before Kakashi was born, at the age of nine, she then graduated from the academy two years later, becoming a Genin, two years later, she became a Chunin.

In summary, the new vessel for the nine tails was fifteen years old. If my memory serves me right, that is, she was Naruto’s mother, something I learned through the magic of spoilers before coming here, but that was not all, I had also learned she became the new vessel before even graduating from the academy, meaning my presence somehow affected the time and date of such event.

Maybe Mito had more things to live for during this time, than in the one the series was based on and had extended her life to the very limit. Regardless of that, she was now dying, her old body struggling to keep on, honestly, if it wasn’t for her advanced transformation technique, she would probably look like a mummy.

As for Kushina, before the announcement of Mito deciding to finally let the nine tails be transferred to another vessel, I knew nothing about her, her existence just recently being acknowledged by me because of the current events.

Though perhaps the fact that I didn’t know about her was entirely my fault, I mean… I do vaguely remember Jiraiya talking about how one of his students had a crush on a Uzumaki girl… and like usual I paid him no attention, because more than not I lose brain cells hearing him talk, and one can’t hardly blame me, I mean, I have tune out Jiraiya’s conversations more than not, because his chats always lead to sex, tits, asses, and toes…. In short, anything remotely sexual. 

“Raiden!” Jiraiya greeted, breaking me out of my long reverie. Behind him, a blonde teen stood, shyly looking at me.

“Hey,” I greeted with a smile.

“A pleasure to meet you sir, I’m a big fan!” the blonde spluttered, fidgeting like a three year old, I would know, I had one.

“Likewise,” I chuckled, “What’s your name kid?” 

“Namikaze Minato sir!” Oh, I knew that name, he was supposed to become the fourth Hokage in the original timeline, and… Naruto’s father…. It all made sense now, the Uzumaki girl, Kushina, this blonde… together, a blonde Uzumaki.

Shaking my head off that for now, I smiled, “No need to be nervous.” 

“The kid idolizes you,” Jiraiya rolled his eyes, “Can’t blame him, I do too, you married Tsunade… that alone deserves idolization, that and your… eheheheh, summon.”

“For the last time, no… I won’t summon her, it was part of my wedding legal agreement to never summon her in front of you.” I sighed, remembering how Tsunade gave me a forty page document going into detail about that. It was funny really, of all the things she could’ve asked, she asked for something just to annoy him.

“God damn it!” Jiraiya cursed.

“Is it true all your jutsus are unique, and used only by you!?” Minato asked, smiling like a kid in a candy store.

“Yes.” I nodded, “Though, not so unique anymore, Tsunade, and Nawaki share some of my skills,” not all of them though, they were stuck with human racials and one class, unlike me who had all the racials and all the classes. “What about you, learning any techniques worth mentioning?”

“I am currently trying to master the flying thunder god technique!” Minato replied eagerly, “Your notes on the scroll have made my progress smooth so far!” So that’s why Jiraiya asked me for that scroll… I was wondering why, after all, that technique didn’t match his fighting style. 

“Well, I wish you the best of lucks,” I smiled, the Flying Thunder God technique, the technique I never mastered, mostly because I focused on mastering other techniques, like the eight gates, and such.

“Thanks!” Why was he screaming, jesus christ chill kiddo, I am not that great… who am I kidding, I’m awesome!

“Is Mito-sama okay?” Jiraiya asked, and I nodded.

“She is with Kushina in the Uzumaki temple, talking and bonding I think... she asked to be left alone, she was to spend a week with the girl to prepare her for… you know,” I sighed.

“Will… will Kushina be okay?” Minato asked, his voice heavy with worry, his sudden change of attitude so sudden it surprised me.

“She will, Uzumaki’s have… a very strong body, so she will take the seal without any immediate side effects… and if anything happens… Well, I will deal with it.” Resurrecting the girl would be easy enough.

“I see.” Minato nodded, his eyes filled with uncertainty at my reply, to the point it almost insulted me. Did he really think that overgrown foxy bitch was too much for me to handle? I was more than enough to clap the nine tails into submission.

“Worry not kid,” I smirked, “That little fox will behave if he knows what’s good for him…” 

“He’s not lying, if anyone here can take the nine tails it’s him, and Sarutobi-sensei,” Jiraiya nodded as I sensed Orochimaru nearing my house.

“It’s not hard really, the tailed beasts are nothing but mass amounts of chakra… and don’t get me wrong they are strong… but chakra can only take you so long… they have no training… meaning they lack form, meaning all they truly are is… brats with immense power,” I chuckled, “With enough power, and brain… It's like hunting a deer, easy.”

“I suppose,” Minato sighed, “I just… don’t want Kushina-san to be in any danger…”

“I will take a guess, he hasn’t asked the girl out yet?” I sighed, turning to Jiraiya for confirmation.

“Nope,” Jiraiya sighed, as Minato blushed, “The Kid is crazy for her… but is too shy to ask her out,”

“Maybe we tell her that, so SHE asks him out?” I hummed, by this point Minato was as red as the Uzumaki natural hair.

“Sounds good!” Jiraiya nodded.

“NO PLEASE DON’T!” Minato pleaded, but it was too late, we had already made up our mind.



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️