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A lot of things had changed during these past four years, for one, my little Itama had grown strong and smart, being best friends with Kakashi the only other kid that played on his level, for real those two were real geniuses, which begs the question, how the fuck did Kakashi become so weak when he had such talent… maybe this time around he will be more like he should’ve been.

As for me, well. I was almost thirty years old, and nothing much had changed, Tsunade and I still loved each other, and life was pretty much normal.

No signs of Madara, no signs of Isshiki, no signs of trouble, heck the village was in so much peace, I had stopped going on missions altogether to train, after all, I didn’t need the money, my Pizza franchise was making me more money than any war, or mission could’ve given me.

I guess that’s new, me having a pizza business that is quite famous around the fire country, called Papa Domino Little Leaf Hut, I know, I know, not very creative, but fuck it, it works.

The Akimichi clan loves me, like love for real, they even declared me an honorary Akimichi for the creation of what they called one of the best dishes they have ever tried.

Anyway, back to me being a pseudo retired ninja, after a long talk with Tsunade, we decided not to take active missions unless we were at war times, Tsunade and I were occupied being parents, and training… each our own personal techniques.

For one, Tsunade was trying to learn sage art from her summons, and if that wasn’t hard enough, she was also learning druid skills from me, which I guess… makes me a wow trainer, funny enough no sharingan can copy them, as only I… and maybe Nawaki when it comes to Paladin skills…. oh… talking about Nawaki, he was now a fully fledged Paladin, and was known across the shinobi world as the Lightbringer, which in turn had earned him the nickname of Uther… cuss… you know.

He was virtually invincible in combat, something most nations attributed to me, which was true… but I already had enough targets over my head to add even more, oh well, I was on a point no Shinobi wanted to fight me, considering me a Kage only instance, meaning, only the kages had the permission to engage in combat with me if they ever had the need to, otherwise well… calamity and blah blah.

“I’m home!” Itami, my three year old baby, announced as he entered the house, time to use the ultimate dad power.

“Hi home I’m dad!” I replied.

“Dad jokes… really?” Tsunade chuckled, as I heard Itama groan in the back.

“It is my constitutional right as a father to use said jokes!” Did they really think I was gonna let this beautiful opportunity walk away? Heck to the no.

“Must you use the same joke every time?” Itama sighed, with a smile on his face as he entered the room. At times I would forget he was three years old… kids in this world sure mature faster, way faster.

“Well… you guys don’t leave me any dadportunities to make my dad jokes,” I sighed.

“Where is Sakumo? I thought he was eating dinner with us tonight,” Tsunade asked Itama, for he had spent the day with Kakashi playing in the park.

“He said he had a mission, that you two would understand.” A mission… wait, understand what? 

“I hope I’m not a bother,” Kakashi was here? God, have I really got so used to babysitting the kid I don’t actively sense him anymore? Damn…

“Kakashi!” Tsunade smiled, hugging the shy yet cool acting kid. “As always, so huggable!” 

“I am a shinobi! Shinobi’s are not huggable!” Kakashi grumbled, blushing under his mask.

“I’m huggable,” I smiled at him.

“You’re not a shinobi,” Kakashi replied with a stoic face.

“I’m not?” I asked with a smile.

“My dad says you are a monster,” Kakashi nodded.

Metal reminder, kick Sakumo in the balls… and buy milk, “Well, I suppose that is technically correct.” I chuckled.

At this, Itama punched Kakashi in the arm, “My dad is the strongest Shinobi in the leaf, that is why he is called a monster.”

“Hm, well, that’s debatable.” Kakashi glared at him.

Itama glared back, and before they started fighting I grabbed them by the shirts and with a stern dad look said, “Chibis, if you start fighting over stupid arguments I will punish you two, and yes Kakashi before you ask, that means a few spanks… is that clear?”

“Yes sir,” Kakashi nodded, paled at the mention of getting spanked, still remembering the last time I disciplined him.

“Yes dad,” Itama nodded, pale as Kakashi.

“Maybe we should get our fathers to f--” Before Kakashi could finish that sentence, a clone of Sakumo appeared out of nowhere with a quick body flicker.

“I sensed someone wanted me to fight Raiden,” Sakumo’s clone said, looking around the room.

“It’s to prove who was the strongest dad,” Kakashi said, tugging his pants.

“Oh my sweet pup,” Sakumo’s clone smiled, kneeling to his level, patting him on the head, “Itama has the strongest dad,”

Kakashi looked at him, face unreadable, “Not even gonna try?”

Sakumo’s clone hummed, turning to look at me, “Would you go easy on me this time?”

“Nope,” I shook my head.

“Daddy doesn't want to die Kakashi,” Sakumo’s clone smiled, turning to Kakashi again.

“Told you dad was a monster in strength,” Itama smiled victoriously. 

“Hm, well… when you come back from your mission, you and I are going to train,” Kakashi declared, “I will not let uncle outshine you!”

“Fair enough! Bye!” and with a puff, he disappeared.

“Uncle,” Kakashi said, getting my attention, “Is there anyone in the village strong enough to fight you?”

“Alone, no… but in groups, Tsunade, your dad, and Hiruzen could probably give me a tough fight,” If I don’t use the eight gates.

“Impressive,” Kakashi smiled, already over the fact his dad had admitted being weaker than me.


Robert Jefferson

And the reason Kakashi was weak was because the sharingan took his Chakra and his loss and mentally made him lazy


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️