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“You think… you think this will be enough to stop me?!” The Raikage roared as the soil beneath his feet trembled, his chakra flaring like a beast that had been set free in the midst of his natural habitat, “I won’t go down like this!”

Before I could reply, a big explosion of black lightning struck my clones down, killing them and my infernal in a single discharge, “What is your skin made of…” I muttered, seeing how all the damage he had received so far had been superficial, nothing I had dealt could be considered deadly by any means.

“I have battled the Hachibi on multiple occasions,” The Raikage boasted, “My body has endured multiple hits from the eight tails, multiple Tailed Beast Balls have crashed upon my skin, and here I am standing, and will continue to stand!”

Any other Kage would be dead by now, but him, out of all the Kages, one could say he was the tank, “For a minute or two, I will eventually kill you, so enjoy the last few standing moments of your existence.”

At once, the distance between us closed, showing his speed had not diminished whatsoever, I had to admit, the Third Raikage was a ninja to be feared, but so was I. “Metamorphosis,” leaping into the air, I transformed into a demon, grabbing the Raikage by the neck, “surprise!” Before he could react, I kicked him in the face as I blasted him with an Eye Beam.

For a brief moment during the transformation, I had surpassed his speed, but now that I had transformed I was back to being slower than him, but the speed in a battle is not all.

“You are full of surprises,” The Raikage muttered behind me, delivering a full power Lightning Release: Lariat, the attack however while very hurtful, didn’t do much damage, but even so, I was surprised he had managed to sneak behind me so easily.

“You are very annoying,” I growled, digging my newfound claws into the ground, my mouth dripping purple blood showcasing how deep my demonic metamorphosis went.

“So… you can be hurt,” The Raikage grinned and I chuckled.

“I can, every now and then, the real question is… can that damage last?” I grinned back, healing my wounds with a priest spell, Renew.

“I see, no wonder they call you the undead,” The Raikage sighed.

“Oh dear Kage, I am not called the undead because I heal fast, but because I can’t truly die,” I added as vaguely as possible. “Though, I doubt we will get to the point you will see that in action.”

“Lightning Release: Javelin!” Without dignifying my comment, the Raikage threw a lightning bolt at me with enough strength to rip a man in half.

Ducking under the attack avoiding it by an inch, I used Shadow Step to teleport behind him. I tried to grab him by the neck, unfortunately for me, the Raikage had been expecting this and turned around, grabbing my arm, locking me in place.

“Try to dodge it now,” The Raikage grinned, and I realized what he meant, “Hell Stab! One-Finger Nukite!” knowing that getting hit by that technique would result in me using my Soul Stone, I charged the palm of my free hand with chakra and cut my arm off, leaping out of the range of his attack.

“Eat shit!” I shouted, weaving a single hand sign that activated a seal in my arm, storing thousands of explosive tags. “Release!”

The Explosion was massive and gave me enough time to Summon the Jade Serpent Statue to heal my wounds. “I am getting tired of your explosive tags.” the Raikage growled, as the smoke of the explosion cleared out.

“I am glad,” I grinned, as my arm regenerated.

“I won’t lose, because I am fighting for something more than myself,” The Raikage said, “I AM FIGHTING FOR MY VILLAGE!”

“Congrats? Want a cookie?” I mocked, “I am also fighting for my village, so save me your monologues.”

“No… you are fighting for vengeance,” The Raikage replied, closing the distance between us with a single step, his fist a few inches from my face.

“Perhaps but… the result is what matters,” I shrugged, dodging his attack. Flickering a few meters away from him, I casted Windfury Weapon on my arms, adding the air element to my physical attacks. Then as the Raikage moved to hit me, I did the same, hitting him on the chest, every time he attacked me, I would repeat this same action, over and over again, all while healing myself between intervals, making sure I was hitting him in the same place each time, throwing few other attacks in other places to confuse him so that he didn’t catch on.

Eventually, that part of his body started to feel softer, and he realized what I was doing, “I see… you are quite clever,” The Raikage smiled, touching his chest.

“Am I now?” I smiled, casting Shadow Blades and then using Vanish to become invisible for what it was to come, once I was out of his reach, I used Roll the Dice, to add some extra stats as I slowly approached him, once I was close enough, I used Symbols of Death, and coming out of the shadows I used Shadow Dance to start once again the fight, after using Shadow Dance a couple of times, I used Rupture followed by a six combo point Eviscerate on his chest. This combo pierced his skin allowing me to reach into his heart, quite literally.

“I…*cough* how,” The Raikage muttered drawing on his blood.

“Magic,” I replied, but before I could crush his heart, he grinned, grabbing my neck with one of his hands.

“Lightning release: Kamikaze Explosion!” The next thing was almost impossible to dodge, for as soon as he said that a massive explosion of lightning started to engulf him and me in an electric prison of death, however, before the attack could kill me forcing me to use my Soul Stone, I used Ice Block, effectively blocking his last attempt to take me out, and from the inside my icy prison, I witness how his attack swallowed a good five hundred meter radius, vaporizing trees and anything on its path.

Breaking out of the ice, I sighed, “Was that all....?”

The Raikage, who was still standing, albeit barely chuckled, “It is,” he nodded, his lightning release chakra mode dying out.

“Good,” I smiled, driving my kunai through his eye right into his brain, tough skin or not, the eyes of a man were always a weakness. “So much for piercing his heart,” I muttered, ripping his heart out. Soon after that, I fainted, gotta love chakra exhaustion.



Hey, i just want you to know that your Percy Jackson novel was dogsht and i hope this Naruto fanfiction does not turn into that. Till now ithas been good, pls keep it serious. No harem would be a major plus. It is soo hard to find serious fanfictions these days 😞

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

Harem fanfics can be seriously written. It's just EXTREMELY uncommon. They have in a sense earned their stigma


No i dun think so, harem fanfics cannot be serious! Harem is basically soft porn, so basically you are reading soft porn. In our day and age who in the hell reads soft porn not to mention porn. You really needs to be massively horny dog to read harem!