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For decades I had learned many things about the Cullens, and about myself, for decades I went by different names, Jack Cullen, Jack Walker, and many others, to keep up the facade, sometimes I was introduced as Carlisle's younger brother, sometimes as Esme's brother, every five years, my title changed, depending on the situation, and the area, for example, in low populated areas like Alaska, the lies were very mild, while in relatively populated areas, we had to form an airtight story.

In those years, I learned, that while I loved my sister, I hated most of the locations I had to go with the cullens, for one, Alaska, while it was true I was immortal, I still had blood pumping down my veins, and hated the fact that I had to freeze my ass off just for the sake of… appearances, I also hated the rather frontal advances of Tanya the leader of the Denali coven, yes, she was stunningly beautiful, inhumanely so, but that… mortally alluring beauty had its cons, allow me to elaborate.

“Ha! This will be good,” Venom cackled in the back of my head.

See, vampires are… cold, dead cold, it’s like touching a freaking bag of ice, in fact, their skin and everything feels and breaks like ice to a certain degree, now… I was open minded about the whole vampire thing, until I tried to… sleep with Tanya, to make the whole story short, there was no difference between banging an iceberg or her… it was the most uncomfortable experience of my life.

I kept Jack Jr alive through the entire ordeal, by sheer determination, and after finishing what I had started, I parted ways with her, leaving our relationship as a one night stand, nobody knew why… well Edward knew, and he laughed, he still does everytime he sees me.

So, yeah… there is that, which is why, this year, instead of going with them to Alaska, I… decided to go to Texas, needless to say, Alice was not happy at all with my decision to not go, but after explaining to her, I needed some warmth, for sanity sake, she obliged, I also wanted to explore… this time without hate blinding me.

Which is why, I am on my way to Texas, to sweat and eat steak, and who knows, maybe sleep with someone whose body temperature is not below zero degrees, fuck Alaska.


[Texas - 3 HOURS LATER]

The moment I arrived in Texas, I let out a sigh of relief. How long had it been since I was in a place where the sun actually brushed me with it’s mighty rays? I can’t remember, with a smile, I approached the first person I saw on the street, and asked them, “Where is the best place to eat steak around here?”

The man, who had been initially startled by my sudden approach smiled, taking a map out of his pocket, the map in question had various circles all around it, highlighting the most succulent places to eat, the man was a true connoisseur of food it seemed, huh, my type of guy, “If you want a big juicy T-Bone steak, I recommend, Lady Joe’s, she knows how to handle a T-Bone alright,”

A T-bone, one of the majestic cuts of meat my body so desperately craved, “Then Lady Joe’s I shall visit,” I smiled, satisfied with the answer the strangely prepared man had given me.

“You know what? Take my map,” The steak loving man smiled, handing me the map that had the secrets to all of texas and its delicious restaurants, “I reckon you like eating as much as I do, and I already know by heart where they are, you need this map more than I do,” and right he was.

“I will treasure this, for the years to come,” I declared, holding the map in my hands, as if the holy grail itself had been given to me.

“Then I choose wisely, who to give my life’s work,” The man smiled, while on the background people stared at us, strangely.

“Mom, why is that… acting so weird?” a kid asked his mom.

“I have no idea honey… man stuff? I don’t know,” the mother in question replied, and right she was, for men bond over simple things, food, games, and all of the above.


[Aro Volturi]

Over the last decades, many calls had been sent to us, about a monster hunting our kind relentlessly, a monster who single handedly eliminated several covens in a short period of time, granted none of the covens the beast faced, had any powerful vampires, but still, this was an insult I was not going to let go, but how to hunt a beast that leaves no survivors, a beast that leaves no smell behind.

This was a conundrum of its own, a danger to our kind, capable of hiding at plain sight, it had to be eliminated, such power, outside my control… was simply, unacceptable, intolerable. So, after exhausting other much simpler methods getting no results, I decided, it was best, to send the very best after the beast, to see for myself, if it was worth keeping, ignoring, or killing.

With that thought in mind, I summoned by best tracker, Demetri, he had no need for smell, his powers… went beyond such simple limitations, with his power, he catches the essence of someone’s thought, as long as he knows where that person had been, he can absorb that essence, and once he has… the flavor of the mind he has to track, no one can escape him.

For security, I sent Jane and Felix, to keep Demetri safe, should the beast be more than he can possibly handle, Felix was extra muscle, while Jane… Well, if the beast was worth something, she was the collar I would put around it.

“We won’t fail you,” Demetri declared, bowing at my presence.

“I know you won’t” I smiled, at them, such loyalty, it was a sight to behold indeed.



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️