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The journey to Forks was incredibly more uncomfortable than I had expected, for me and Venom, so much of my life had been dedicated to killing vampires, and now... we were going to live with them? it was a strange change, in fact now I didn't know what to do, now that I had found my sister.

I suppose… I would have to deal with this new scenario, like I had always done, with Venom by my side.

Besides, I had much to catch on, Alice, she was still the same little bundle of happiness I remembered, and I could tell she was making an effort to bond with me, and so was her mate, who I didn’t trust that much for the nature of his power… now that I think about it, Vampires… and their powers are something rather unique, Jasper… Alice’s mate, was a rather unexpressive, silent type vampire, but even then… his presence was... calming, soothing like a lullaby, this, of course, was attributed to his power to control the emotions of those close to him, a very terrifying power if you ask me, every more so than Edward’s, while Edward could read minds, showcasing his invasive power and personality, his power was not as dangerous as Jasper's, the power to make someone feel, love... hate, anger... happiness, or any other emotion with a simple glance was… lethal in the right hands.

Of course this power had a weakness, for no power is absolute, if you were aware of Jasper and his pathokinesis, it was easy to catch on with your own mood swings, and attribute them to Jasper and control yourself, but if you didn't see him or were aware of his power... his power could kill you, or make you do things without you realizing he was behind such things. Then there was Edward, his power as I said was very invasive, but easy to deal with, as he could only read surface thoughts, this meant that nothing beyond simple thoughts were within his reach.

Then there was, my Alice, her power was somewhat both super useful or useless, this was because she didn’t see the future, just a possible outcome of a path, her power based her visions on the decisions of the person she saw through her vision, however if the person changed their mind and took a different path, well… the future she had seen... disappeared.

Then there was Carlisle, he said he had no powers, but I call bullshit on that, I know he has a power, and that power has allow him to live for hundreds of years, without consuming a single drop of human blood, and I suppose it makes sense, the powers vampires develop are usually the result of something they had as humans, so perhaps he had amazing self control as human, something that evolved into his vampire self.

The rest of them had no powers… Emmett was stronger than most vampires, nothing venom and I couldn't handle, and Esme, she was… an average vampire, nothing special about her, and so was Rosalie.

“When we get to Forks… we need to contact the pack, if they see Jack… they will jump to conclusions,” Carlisle saig, snapping me out of my long reverie.

“He doesn’t smell human, but he doesn’t smell like us,” Emmett added, “They will want to know what he is,” he gave me a look that said, do you want to share what you are?

“I don’t mind, it’s not a secret,” I shrugged, “It’s just no one has lived long enough to know what I am, besides… from what you guys told me about them, their only rule is that I don’t eat humans, and I don’t do that… anymore,”

“Anymore?” Alice inquired, her eyes on me, “Do you also… drink blood?”

“Oh, no… no,” I snorted, “I eat brains,”

“Hmm, somehow that's worse than I expected,” Emmett hummed.

“I don’t need to eat brains, not anymore, that’s what the chocolate is for, you see, my hunger for brains is actually a biological thirst for phenethylamine - a stimulant that I need, and can't produce in the quantities I need, naturally speaking, and thus must consume chocolate to avoid consuming brains… cause chocolate has tons of that….” I answered, and they all nodded.

“Well, we will make sure to have tons of chocolate just for you,” Esme smiled, and Carlisle chuckled.

“His supplement sure is easier to provide,” Carlisle added.

“I don’t eat only chocolate though, and the more I eat it, the less I need it, so perhaps one day I won’t need to eat any at all,” I sighed, Venom and his biology were ever changing, that much was certain.

“Oh, I can’t wait to cook something,” Esme smiled, “I haven't used the kitchen in over fifty years, and you just gave me an excuse to cook again,”

“Thank…” I chuckled, “I eat a lot though… more than you can possibly imagine,” enough to fill a soccer team.

“Oh dear, don’t worry,” Esme smiled.

“So… what do human brains taste like?” Alice pipped in, with a curious smile.

“Like… chocolate…” I answered, unsure how to answer that, I didn’t remember much of that time, only that… I was angry, and that I killed someone very deserving of it.



After an extra two hours of travel, we arrived in Forks, the place was depressingly my style, a small town, with few people, lots of rain, and a large forest. Come to think of it .... I bought a house near this place before my search for Alice began. Anyways, upon arrival, we were greeted by a pack of gigantic wolves, shifters.

The wolves looked at me, curiously, as they growled, and Edward translated the conversation by reading their thoughts, between Carlisle and the alpha, to make the chat short, Alice, Jasper and I were banned from the reservation, them for being vampires, and me being associated with the coven, in summary, I would be treated as a vampire even though I wasn’t, and as long as I didn't kill humans, I would be welcome in forks, funny, you would think they would be more open to me, considering I have killed so many vampires, but whatever.

After that, they guided me to their mansion, where… we each took a room, with Alice simply walking into Edward’s room, and saying it was hers… Edward was not happy, but… what choice did he have… I took the basement, I like dark environments.

“Well… here we are,” I muttered.

“Yes,” Venom hissed, “Now what?”

“I don’t know buddy, I don’t know… but like always, we will do it, together,” I sighed.

“Never one,” Venom hissed.

“Without the other,” I finished.



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️


Love the lamb reference at the end