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It had been a month and eleven days since I arrived at the Valhalla hotel, of which I had been fighting day and night against the Valkyries. Today, I had my weekly duel with Gunilla, to see my improvements.

I still hadn't managed to beat any of them, but to be fair they attacked me in groups, so I had faith that one against one, I would have a better chance of defending myself.

My fight against Gunilla started like any other, with her trying to crush me in less than a couple of minutes, something she had managed to do the first couple times, but thanks to the psychological terror she had inflicted on me, with attacks at all times, I was on high alert and thanks to that I was able to keep her away from victory, dodging her attacks, one after another. But dodging wasn't going to win me the fight. If I wanted to win, I had to attack.

With that in mind, I curled my hand into a fist and aimed at her nose when the opportunity arose, which thanks to my mana enhanced body and her predominantly being a close-up fighter came rather soon, pushing my speed to the limit and with our bodies being a few inches apart there was nothing she could do to avoid my attack and so my fist hit the bridge of her nose. Her blood splattered all over the training ground, but she didn’t even flinch at that.

She simply looked at me, and with something that could only be described as a happy growl of approval, she grabbed my arm before I could pull it back locking me in place, and hit me straight in the face with a mean left jab, almost immediately I tasted blood, my blood, as I fell to the ground thinking. Come on Adam, you've been fighting her for a month straight now, day and night, don't let her get the best of you.

But before I could process how to recover myself from this, she grabbed my head, her fingers digging into my scalp, and like a rag doll lifted me above the ground, my feet dangling in the air a few inches from the floor, and with a smile that lasted about a second, she slammed her right hand into my ribs with great force, my vision blurry upon impact. I could feel the pain rippling across my stomach, making me feel dizzy, disoriented. But it wasn't over yet, I was not going to go down with a single punch, willing my body to obey I threw a fast hook at her with my right hand which she parried with a left hand releasing my head in the process, taking this little window of chance I forced my body to move mid-air, throwing a sidekick with my left leg which took her by surprise if the look of her face was anything to go by, the kick hit her right in the ribs, and pushed her a few meters to the right.

“You going soft on me love?” I chuckled, as I tried to sound as tough as possible, but deep down I was struggling to keep my shit together, that punch she had delivered had done more damage than I had expected, I knew if I closed my eyes even for a second I would fall to the ground.

Gunilla looked at me her eyes ever so mysterious, as an unreadable emotion ignited inside of her, “It’s I am,” she laughed.

Taking a deep breath, I rushed at her, I was determined not to lose this time even if my odds were pretty low, Gunilla smiled, a predatory smile that I had never seen on her before, she was enjoying this? I’m a fucking magnet for crazy.

“Taoc ym ydob htiw eht rewop fo eht rednuht!” My spell was simple, covering my body in a magical field of electricity making me a living taser, adding some fire power to my hand to hand arsenal.

“Interesting,” Gunilla commented, dodging my attacks with relative ease.

“It will be a shocking surprise when you hit me, or I hit you,” I replied with a lame pun, as I continued my assault.


[Thor POV]

From above the training grounds I watched as my daughter, Gunilla was fighting my father's guest Adam, in an honorable match, I expected nothing less from my fucking daughter, I was proud of her! "Do you think the kid can win?" I asked my father, as more beer was poured for me, it was a ret… re... One of those questions people don’t expect answers to.

"No, not today, in a fortnight he will win his first fight against her," Odin replied with a laugh, "Gunilla won't be happy at all, but she will be happy hahaha," and I was fucking surprised, that little shit was going to defeat a trained Valkyrie after a month of training.

“HAHAHA, I can already tell we will be great friends!” I bellowed in laughter, beer dripping to the floor.

“He is very friendly,” Odin chuckled, “He is going to lose in ten seconds,”

“How?” I asked, smiling ear to ear, this was exciting, there was nothing better than watching a fight go down.

“He has highly underestimated Gunilla’s pain threshold, while is true she has no thunder powers like you… she inherited your strength and will,” Odin laughed, and then I saw it, Adam electrocuting my daughter, and much to his dismay, this was barely slowing her down, she was feeling pain alright, I could tell by the look of her face, but years of training had honed her to act through it as any Valkyrie should.

“Fuck,” Adam sighed, as Gunilla knocked him out with an uppercut that sent him flying.

“I FUCKING LOVE THIS KID,” I laughed, banging my hammer to the ground as I rolled on the floor laughing, “I lay claim to him as my possible new drinking buddy! Our bar fights will be LEGENDARY!”

“Father...” Gunilla groaned.

“He… Adam didn’t say anything funny…” Frigg muttered.

“He is overjoyed at the fact he has found a demigod that lacks all decorum… like him,” Odin snorted.



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️


Thanks for the chapter