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After killing the Cerberus dog I approached Rebecca trying to help her out, she was devastated, crying at the thought of her partner being infected with the deadly virus that was now threatening the train and us. But before I could get close enough to do so... an animalistic growl caught my attention, it didn’t take me long to realize it was another dog, just like in the game, two Cerberus dogs had entered the train, taking my gun out once again, I turned around and with an alarmingly calm state of mind I aimed at the dog's right eye as he charged at us shooting at the beast once, the shot didn’t kill the dog, which was unexpected considering it was a headshot.

“Great,” I muttered as the demonic dog growled at me, shaking his head from the shot as if it was a freaking ball I threw at him, a few shakes later, I notice the dog was tensing its mangled paws, preparing to leap at us, and with a smile, I pulled the trigger, shooting at Beast a couple of times until it collapsed, the ground dead.

[Cerberus Dog Killed X1]

And with a relieved sigh, at the notification, I turned once again to see Rebecca, as I inwardly thanked the gods for the power I had been given, without it... fear would have paralyzed me, but now, although I still felt fear that much was clear, it did not stop me from acting, it only kept me alert and attentive to my surroundings.

“We have to shot him before the virus turns him... “ I told Rebecca who in return glared at me, “He either dies a human or dies a monster…” I know I would rather die a human.

“He… he’s right rookie,” The man with whom I shared I named smiled or at least tried to, “I… I rather die a man than be… one of them,” he added with a lot of effort, I could tell it pained him to talk, a lot.

“I… I…” Rebecca was unprepared to deal with this, and the more experienced S.T.A.R.S. operative knew that.

“K-Kid, do it,” Edward Dewey said looking at me with a smile, and I obliged.

[Infected Human Killed X1]

"I'm sorry," Rebecca whispered tearfully over and over again, showing how much she cared for the man I had shot.

“Hey unknown, you gotta see this,” Billy said with a grim look as he entered the train car we were currently in, completely ignoring the devastated Rebecca, “These people...the ones we've had to kill.... well, I found a notebook in one of them, and it’s alarming what I found, “I couldn't make out much from the notebook, I’m not a scientist, but from what I could make out the notebook talks about a research in a lab that has apparently been abandoned or destroyed…” he then looked at me, giving a long and scrutinizing look, “And it also talks about the possibility that a virus has been released. Something called the T-virus."

“Sounds about right,” I nodded.

“You talked about a virus before… a bioweapon,” Rebecca recovered from her state of shock, just to aim her gun at me, she was grieving and I was her lightning rod, awesome, “Who are you… are you really on our side?!”

I looked at her, my eyes brows rising from mild amusement, “My name is Edward Walker, and I’m a private operative… you could say, I was hired to stop the making of… well what you saw, but I failed,”

“So you are a merc,” Billy chuckled, “It’s there any hope your contractor will get you out of here, and in the process… us?”

“I doubt it,” I sighed, inwardly smiling at the fact he had believed my lie, “I’m pretty sure my contractor was killed by whoever made this virus, and while normally I do stuff for money… stopping a human fabricated apocalypse seems like the best time to offer free services,” at that Billy laughed.

“I see,” Billy smirked.

“So… will you stop aiming at me, or am I to die today, Rebecca?” I asked, and with a sigh, she lowered her gun, “Good, now how about we try to escape this train alive?”

“Fine,” Rebecca nodded.

“That was my plan all along,” Billy nodded.

“Try to contact your team again just in case Rebecca,” I told her, “If they happen to still be alive, we can save… ourselves a lot of unnecessary experiences,” I sighed.

“I will… and sorry for aiming at you,” Rebecca smiled, regret carrying her voice… “I just thought… you knew too much, and I panicked… it’s was unbecoming of me as a S.T.A.R.S. team to do so,”

“While I appreciate the apology… don’t trust anyone… people have to earn your trust,” I finished our conversation, with one person in mind Albert Wesker.

“I know it's too soon, but… we kinda need his gear,” Billy sighed, pointing to the corpse of Edward Dewey.

“I know,” Rebecca nodded, handing us items she was taking from her deceased team member.

[x30 Handgun Ammunition]

“Thirty for each… that’s all he had,” Rebecca stated, “He must have lost his weapons on the way here… I don’t find anything on him but ammunition,”

“This will do…” Billy said.

“For now, I think we should evade fighting big groups of these things… one or two are rarely a treat… but hundreds, that's where we would die,” At least when it came to normal zombies, the Proto-Tyrants were very… very deadly on their own, and so where the leeches.

“I doubt we will face such a large group of these abominations,” Billy commented with a smile, “We are on a train… which means right now our enemies are limited to what’s already inside and what can get inside through the windows like those dogs, and considering all the doors are locked by the system… believe me I tried to open them… we don’t have to worry too much about quantity, so with limited entry to this hellish ride this train is a finite space… so our enemies are numbered, maybe a hundred… not sure how big this train is, but it wasn’t at full capacity… that’s for sure,”

A very good analysis, “Right now yeah, but once we get out… we don’t know what we will face,” Rebecca added.

“For the moment, it’s clear we don’t have to worry for the numbers our enemies have… but the quality in them,” I stated with a grim look, “As we have seen, there are normal zombies which are easy to dispose of, but… unfortunately for us, there is a lot more than slow thriller movie zombie, the dogs are just the first step, as of now, any animal we see can be our enemy, from monkeys to crows… anything can be infected,”

“Well fuck,” Billy sighed.

“And that’s if we don’t take into account whoever made this bio-weapon… could’ve made others… things,” I chuckled humorlessly, “Mutants or the kind, we have to be ready to face monsters possibly faster than us… or stronger than us, by a lot,”

“Any info on that?” Rebecca inquired, “Or is just speculation?”

“Some… while I was investigating, I found something called project Tyrant, a zombie but… near impossible to kill, from what I read…” I lied, which was becoming easier for me, “In the files the Tyrant or Proto-Tyrant was described as a bullet-proof monstrosity that never stops chasing his prey,”

“Well… seeing as his name is so.. colorful, I will assume he will be easy to notice,” Billy sighed.

“I sure hope so,” Rebecca sighed.


[—- Stats —-

Name: Edward Walker

Job: The Gamer

Level: 2

Exp: 55%/100%

HP: 120/120

EP: 88/100


STR: 6

VIT: 6

AGI: 6

INT: 11

CHA: 4

WIS: 8

LUK: 4




We need more RE fics. Please continue!


I need more.