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After returning to the sewer I became aware of something very troubling, what if the God I stole the weapon from was able to track where I used said weapon, that would be… less than ideal, "Okay, time to move," I sighed knowing full well that was the right call, as I grabbed my only valuable possession, my magic book, before leaving, I looked at the place that had been my home for months and taking a deep breath I went over the list of reasons to why I was running away from here, for one I had no idea if the god I stole the weapon from would actually be okay with my mistake and forgive me, and even if they were, they would probably just take to that camp, and I did not want to go to that camp… well, now I did, but not for the same reasons most go, and two… who am I kidding, there is no two, I just want to travel, you can’t blame the ex sick guy that has been living on a sewer for that.

“Alright, but before I go… let me put some glitter bombs in here,” I laughed like I had become the Joker just there, was I playing with fire? Maybe, if the gods were actually chasing me… they would surely encounter my magical glitter bombs, and while harmless, this would surely anger then, but… if they were coming for me in the first place, they were already angry…. So I might as well go out with the satisfaction of pranking deities.

“Alright the place is full of magical glitter bombs,” I laughed, “Time to skedaddle,”

As I ran through the sewage system, I began to think about where I would reside now that I had lost my home, and immediately New York sounded like an obvious choice for me right now to pursue my current goals, stealing from the camp, so considering that the camp was located somewhere near that state, it was the best option.

“I wonder if the sewages in New York are comfy, I do have so standard I must keep,” I laughed, wondering along the way if I could find a way to hide my godly smell with magic, if so… things would severely improve for me, maybe I could enchant myself to smell like shit? No…. but it’s a start, I’m sure I will figure it out, right now, I have to somehow get to New York on foot…. Or, “Maybe magic is once again the answer, I did make a random bow appear… which is technically teletransportation, and there is no indicator, I can’t do the same with myself…” Meh, it’s worth a shot, “Tropelet… em… ot… Wen… Kroy!”


A funny thing about made up spells is that they can backfire terribly depending on how much of an idiot you are… allow me to illuminate your minds, see… when casting a spell with Mnemonic Incantation, a single thought can change the result of the spell… for example, when I made the spell to teleport me to New York, I had singular thought in my mind, going to the sewages in New York, now… here is where it lies the problem… I have not seen the sewages of New York, ever… so instead of teleporting to where I wanted, or in a better case… exploding in my face, I was in the middle of a kitchen… with a very familiar woman, Sally Jackson.

Now, many might be wondering… how in the fuck… is this possible, well with my luck, I doubt anyone is wondering, but anywho, allow me to explain… when a spell can’t form the first thought you have because you either lack information about something in particular or something else to well… cast the damn spell, the motherfucker uses the next best thing in your mind, in the case the Jackson’s Apartment, which in contrast to the sewers of New York, I knew how it looked, and where it was located.

But Adam, how is that possible… if that was the case you would’ve teleported inside the demi-god camp, right? I mean, after all, the information you have about this universe is from the books, and most of the time the characters are in there.

If you said that or thought about it, well right you are, I probably know more about the demigod camp and its layout than what I know about this apartment, buuuuuuuut the spell also takes into consideration things as I would rather watch the terminator in french ten times, than go there, so this was the next best place inside my head.

Anywho… back to the real world.

“I know what you’re thinking… and the answer might surprise you,” I smiled at the shocked woman, “Please do not pray to any god about this… I will give you a cookie…” Yes, yesss fall for the cookie.

“Who are you?” Sally inquired, not moving an inch.

“A dream?” I answered with a shrug, getting a look that said really? From Sally, “Fine, I’m like your son,”

“It’s not his time is it?” Sally asked, feeling sad… wait, how in the fuck do I know how this lady is feeling.

“No, no, no,” I shook my head, “I was just running from going there, so don’t worry, I don’t plan on taking the living sushi roll to the camp,”

*Happy* “Sushi roll,” Sally snorted, once again I could tell how she felt, great some get the power to throw literal lightning, and I get the power of two human eyes, oh well, “Why are you running from the camp, it’s supposed to be the safest place in the world for kids like you,” *Worried*

“I know, but I enjoy my freedom…” I chuckled, “Living in the sewers can be quite comfy, once you kill all the rats… and roaches, but after that, is just a place that smells like shit, like any college dorm,”

*Worried* “I can’t let you live in the sewage... I think I can fix you up a bed with my son…” Such a nice lady, but why would I ever, ever, stay in a place where one of the big three has eyes on, haha, nope, this place is a one way ticket to camp.

“Llaf peels won…” I said, putting the nice lady to sleep,it was sweet of her to try and help me, but I’m okay, “Alright… let’s see if I can find something to erase her memory in my book,”



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️


Thanks for the chapter bud, not gonna lie I love the way the MC acts. I hope you don’t change his personality too much later on. I get that changes are bound to happen as everyone changes over time. On another note that 🍪 bit was hilarious 💥