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After killing the monsters that were chasing me with a single arrow in a majestic explosion of light, it became more than clear to me that this weapon was not a normal one it had to much power to be one, and considering that I could not create divine godly materials with my magic, the answer was clear, I had most likely stolen the weapon from a God with my spell without actually wanting to so, which worried me, after all, the gods were not known for their benevolence, but for their wrath, and I wanted nothing to do with an enraged god.

Knowing the consequences of stealing the weapon of a god, I immediately decided to return it, not without leaving a little note on the weapon, “Nruter... siht…. nopaew ot... sti renwo!” as soon as those words left my mouth, the weapon disappeared out of sight, “Thank the lord whoever I stole that weapon is not hunting me,” I chuckled, as I inwardly wondered if that bow belonged to Artemis or Apollo, besides them, I didn’t know any other gods using the bow as their weapon.

With the weapon out of my hands and back to its owner, I decided to return to my comfy sewer shelter, to take a nice and long rest, the day had been quite long and full of adventure and had ended with me stealing the weapon from a God and killing three walking nightmares, so after this, I well deserved a freaking nap, for tomorrow I would see what to do against those monsters trying to dip me in ranch sauce without having to steal anything from the Gods.

Though maybe... stealing was the right option, just not from the gods, they weren’t the only ones with weapons to kill monsters, I had other possible targets, like the demigods, if I stole the weapons from the half-blood camp, I would have the power to defend myself against the monsters, in the end, stealing was the right call, I really hope nobody writes a book about me, the morals I am teaching are below anything, oh well, not like I’m in a position to care about them anyway.

But this plan was easier said than done, when I summoned the weapon I had no power over the choice, the bow appeared without giving me any kind of selective power, which was somewhat problematic since I wanted to steal weapons that no one would miss, weapons without owners, to avoid their wrath.

Although I also had a third option if I wanted to risk my freedom that is, using a Glamour Charm to alter my form, I could change my physical appearance and voice creating an illusion to the outside world tricking everyone while keeping my real identity a secret for everyone, therefore, granting some freedom to act out, I knew I could do this, I had seen a spell for that in my magic book so it was within my realm of possibilities, so maybe I could pretend to be an unclaimed child from one of the many horny Gods in my pantheon, steal some weapons and then peace out to never be seen, they would never look for me, but for the person I create in the illusion, meaning it would be the perfect con, but… if I had seen any con movies, and I have… things will go as planned.

“Meh, fuck it, I will do it,” I chuckled, after all, what was life without stepping out of your comfort zone.


[Apollo POV]

I had a little brother… but, “How!?” I inquired in shock, while Artemis was still processing the information, “I thought you said you dint want any more kids after us.”

“That was the case, for a while,” Mother nodded, “I didn’t plan for it, it just happened,”

“The mission… the favor you asked, it was for him wasn’t it?” Artemis asked, looking troubled.

“Yes,” Mother nodded with a sad expression, “I wanted nothing more than to have him with me, to nurture him… but the rules… the stupid rules didn’t allow me to have my own child with me,” tears running down her face at this point.

“I… I’m sorry mother,” Artemis said with shame on her voice, “I did not look for him as hard as I could’ve have… I have failed you…”

“No point of worrying about that, he’s alive…. My weapon disappearing shows that,” I stated, as my bow fell from out of nowhere to the floor, “It seems he found a way to send it back,”

“That would suggest he has magic, one thing is to summon a weapon and another is to send it back,” Artemis said with a thoughtful look.

“Oh look, it has a note,” I chuckled grabbing the bow and quiver, as I read the note, “Dear Apollo, or Artemis… or Leto aka mom? I think those are all the godly figures that use a bow I’m not really sure, anywho, dear owner of this weapon, please do not make your new mission in life to smite me, I took this in a moment of utmost urgency without having time to realize this belonged to someone, ATT: Adam Aragon.

P.D, - If you are going to hunt me, give me a headstart… we both know I am going to need it.

P.D.D, - You all owe me a bunch of birthday presents, one of them can be not hunting me, just saying.”

“Well, he seems to know his greek history somewhat,” Artemis said, hiding a little smile on the corner of her face, “So it’s safe to assume he knows he’s a demigod,”

“Hahahaha,” I laughed, “How can I be mad with an apology like this,”

“He knows I’m his mother,” Mother muttered in disbelief, “And he doesn’t sound mad about abandoning him as most demigods would,”

“He is our brother, which means he’s not an idiot, he probably knows why,” Artemis stated.

“Oh, is that pride in someone else I am seeing, little sis,” I laughed, “Who would’ve guessed, Artemis feeling proud in a male, the end of times must be near,”

“I am not,” Artemis hissed.

“God of Truth… I can tell you are lying,” I sang as she started to shoot arrows at me.

“Please… I beg of you, take him to the camp… the more time he stays out there, the more monsters will go after him,” Mother begged, stopping Artemis from shooting any more arrows.

“We will,” Both me and Artemis said at the same time.



I absolutely love this story, I'm a huge fan of the Percy Jackson series and oh my gods you've made my day. I haven't been on Patreon for a little while and I've missed a lot of chapters Oh Almighty Corn Bringer and now I see you've even got a new one on the go as well.


Many thanks, we all know how much you're gong through rn and we all appreciate all the work you do!!