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I have not had a second to myself as of late, which means that I have not been able to really edit or produce too much new content. My day job has overtaken my life but once again here we are where it feels like things are starting to level out. I have made it a mental note that I will not let myself get so deeply intrenched in one thing moving forward and will leave time for all of the things in my life and that most certainly includes photography and posting here on Patreon.  This is one of the few images I have had a second to sit down and edit this month. With that said, I have a huge backlog of content that I have never shared that is already finished and ready to be viewed. All of that will come in the last few days of this month. Stay tuned. For now, enjoy this preview from Meredith Devine's haircut day in my studio.

Would you prefer to see a video release tomorrow, or a photo set release?

- AW Media



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