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Yesterday was a pretty momentous day. My dear friend Meredith decided to cut her hair for the first time in several years. For the entire time I have known Meredith, she has had long and flowing hair down to her lower back. I found out about this massive change one night while out to dinner with her and her boyfriend, Justin. She lightly brushed over it and I hauled the conversation saying "Woah! What?!" which she then responded with "Oh, I thought I told y.... wait. You love hair, we definitely have not talked about this yet."

Over the next couple weeks we were throwing some ideas back and forth about shoots before and after her hair cut. Complete with mood boards and more, the idea eventually evolved into just shooting the cut as it was happening. We shot a couple Polaroids before the cut and then really leaned hard into the analogue after the cut. I have to say, I love it. Another thing I love is the colors this pack of 2006 expiration FP produced. The image above was the first one shot and as I peeled the positive from the negative my jaw dropped and a smile came across my face as I looked at Meredith and turned the exposure to her. An unexpected yet beautiful surprise. Enjoy!

Please keep in mind, my main focus and goal is to stay within a models comfort zone and strictly adhere to that. I have several friends and models that are comfortable shooting implied and even topless, but wish to not have the uncensored images shared anywhere. As I know this is Patreon where I do share my uncensored work, it is with Meredith's wishes that I only share censored images. In my respect for the art, women and specifically Meredith, all images of her will be shared censored if there is nudity in them. Thank you for understanding!

These exposures were shot on Fujifilm FP-100C Color Professional film with a Polaroid 600SE, Fujifilm FP-3000B B&W Professional film with a Polaroid 600SE, Polaroid Circle Frame Edition 600 Type Color film with a Polaroid SLR680 and Polaroid SX-70 Type Color film with a Polaroid SX-70 Sonar OneStep.



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