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For this trip, my first trip out of the Greater Los Angeles Area in over a year, it was cut short. Not for a poor reason by any means, I simply had a high paying gig back in Los Angeles that I could not say no to. Some shoots were cut and rescheduled for the next trip out and an early departure planned. Thankfully I was able to squeeze in one more shoot and it was with this lady whom I have been trying to work with for some time now. We have been following one another from afar on Instagram and exchanged the cordial "Would love to shoot with you", but we were always passing one another at the wrong time. While she would be in Los Angeles I would be booked up and a full schedule. While I was previously visiting Phoenix, the roles were reversed. This trip we made it happen despite it not being the best shooting conditions to get what we really wanted to capture; A first floor studio with a wide open garage door and tons of passer-byers. The next time, we will create work that is more up both of our alleys. However, I cannot complain. It was amazing to have this lady in front of my cameras. Enjoy!

These were shot on Polaroid SX-70 Type Color film with a Polaroid SX-70 Sonar OneStep.

- AW Media



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