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I just did some much needed catching up on archiving some posts! To be exact, since May! This is a public post to explain how the archive works!

After each month, the sets and paid patron posts go into the $15+ tiers, the archive tiers. All preview posts go into the Public stream and can be accessed by any person visiting my Patreon page, but the full sets that those previews are for go into the $15+ tiers. If you are pledging $10+ you have access to my film scans, including 35mm, 120 and instant. Those will always be readily available to you no matter them being in the archive and from previous months.

If you see any previews that you would like to see the full set of, simply pledge or pledge up to $15+ and gain access! If you have any questions please feel free to comment here or message me directly here on Patreon!

- AW Media



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