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Hey guys, I've been back for about a week now and getting back up to speed. There's not much new to say, but things are going pretty smoothly.

I finished the Tifa poster set (x4) and I'm waiting on commissioner approval to post. The drafts for the Jill poster set (x10) have been selected, and I'm working to finish them up. It's a pretty large set so I'm hoping for the end of July but probably will finish it early August.

The Miranda animation is coming along too. The base loop is finished and copied out for the duration. I'm still playing around with ways to best utilize the NLA editor, but I've opted to keep it simple for this animation since it's a short loop. At this point, I just need to layer variation and facial expressions on top to finish it off. I think it should be done within a few days once you include rendering and editing.

If you subtract out the time I've spent on poster commissions and vacation, the turn around time on the Miranda animation is looking good. I'd love to strike while the iron is hot and do another quick animation, but I'm also really eager to finish out my Morrigan model. I'll do a short loop with her once the model is in good shape, but it may take a week or two to finish it out.



I just want more of your content. I think your work is great. Looking forward to the Miri loop, first and foremost. But that Jill set ... 10 pieces? That's a lot of work.


It's not so crazy when I worked on 20+ posters in April/May. Like, I actually feel relief in comparison lol since this is now my only poster project. I've also dramatically improved my workflow for larger poster projects. For smaller projects I'd just use a separate save for each poster. It was inefficient, but not terrible when it was only 1-4 posters. I've re-organized so that it's all in one save, each poster has its own frame.