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I think it might already be time to start first gameplay tests. I've absolutely no-lifed the last few days. From my very limited tests it seems to have the exact same behavior, but I only installed a few DAR mods and ran around.

As for the differences from DAR, they are mostly internal - the implementation is pretty much completely new, what I've gained from trying to reverse engineer DAR were mostly just hook addresses. As far as I can tell DAR does things in a different way, which looks really weird and is destructive to the original array of animation paths. I don't understand how it even works in that state. Of course we don't have the source so it's extremely hard to tell what's really going on.

I've managed to squeeze in a few additions to the original DAR conditions right away, that as far as I can tell, didn't work that way before (I haven't actually tested them though):

  • You can just type in a keyword in all keyword / location ref type conditions instead of having to use the plugin/formID
  • You can use form lists of weathers instead of just weathers in the CurrentWeather condition

Bear in mind that some conditions can be implemented incorrectly, I have barely tested them. Please let me know when something doesn't work like it's supposed to.

Of course, new stuff, such as new conditions, is planned. I also want to try adding an imgui menu to explore (and possibly change) the replacement animation structures.

The mod has to reach complete parity with DAR first, however.

Known issue: your starting animation on save load may tpose at times. It should be fine after moving. I'll try to figure out how to fix this, it doesn't seem to happen with DAR, right?

Compatible with SE, AE, AE 1.6.640+, and VR. Only tested on SE.

The queue fix is not included, and is very much recommended.

0.1.1: Fixed battleaxe and warhammer not working in the weapon type condition

0.1.2: Fixed OR operator (I think), fixed faction conditions, fixed crash when filenames/directories with special characters are present.

I'm just outright skipping files/directories that have names containing special characters (Chinese etc). Let me know if that's an issue.

0.1.3: More safeguards against parsing strings with special characters. If this doesn't work out I'll have to reconsider how I'm doing things.



It seems that OR argument is now working versions 0.1.2 and 0.1.3 have so many more animations, when using: immersive interactions, smooth moveset/smooth jumping, evg variance, evg idles, animated armory, fmak, npc animation redux, dar dynamic swimming. all seem to fully work now The smooth jumping had the biggest difference. 0.1.1 had only one jump and none of the conditional ones the only one I have tested that I can't get to work is underwater combat standalone, but I don't know if it is due to oar or the mod just doesn't work in 1.6.640.


I've been playing around with the idea of going over the animation count limit and I think I've finally did it. Surprise surprise the game would just crash if it get to the end limit. Here is the crash log from NetScriptFramework. Hopefully there's a way to unlock this limit or have a work around to avoid crashing while still allowing for more animation replacer to be used. https://pastebin.com/Zwv20W0V


I've also been playing around and it work but I also crash when I close this game with OAR installed and restarting and loading my current save. The mod works with my modlist at least.


apparently this affected all my saves that has OAR installed in it so it crashes when I switched to DAR as I attempted to fix it.


Removing my earlier comment. The CTD also happened when I reverted to DAR. Issue might be because of a corrupt save file. EDIT: Confirmed that it was a corrupt save file. Played with OAR plus the just-released Animation Queue Fix for at least 2 hours - so far so good!


That doesn't look related at all though EDIT: Ah, alrighty


I think it is 65k since I am still using my absolutely loaded DAR setup that is meant for unofficial DAR 65k patch to test the limits. I also encounter another possible crashing issue when using DAR crossbow animation. I can equip the crossbows just fine but the moment I ready it, related DAR folder with condition set for crossbow weapon type is used and then game crashed.


It's not possible for the plugin to affect your saves, at most you'd just tpose when the game tried to play a nonexistent animation that was playing when you saved the game


But there's no 65k patch for DAR, it's for 32k though? I'm getting confused kinda. Also, what's that crossbow animation mod?


Just to update you, with 0.1.3 I'm getting jilted and slow animations. Also, my MCM menus are empty. Reverting to 0.1.1 fixed the issues. I'm not 100% sure it is OAR causing this but I thought I would post regardless incase anyone else has similar issues.


It's the DAR plugin that I downloaded from DAR's comment section way back in 2021. It supposedly patched the animation limit of DAR from 32k to 64k and I've been using it with much higher animation count than 32k since then. Here's the copy of it: https://mega.nz/file/854FGAgD#R4w1rVjcQuad4BJIfz4lmzjVl4FXsnXZiIj-_nOCpl8 As for the crossbow issue, I used DAR Rifles mod and I can keep firing indefinitely without issue with DAR. With OAR, after firing for a few seconds the game will just crash and NetScriptFramework did not generate any crash log so I don't know what is causing it.


No way, the only things that have changed is that the OR operator and faction conditions work, and a few safeguards so special characters don't crash. Gotta be a coincidence.


Standalone Underwater Combat is just a Nemesis patch and a little ESP with a couple of "Idle Animation" record edits, really it shouldn't be impacted by game version OR having / not having DAR since it is unlikely you have more than one copy of the unique underwater attack animations anywhere. Just make sure you ran the Nemesis patch properly, and that the stuff in the ESP is not being overwritten by other mods (you can see that in xEdit).


0.1.3 definitely fixes the issues I was having with "OR" conditions previously. Seems to basically work "fine" as far as I can tell? It would perhaps still help if you maybe added an INI file with a toggle for some kind of debug logging, though, that could even just be it simply spitting out the numerical folder name along with the animation file name, any time a new animation was triggered in game.


I'm working on an in-game UI that could display stuff like that.


Hey Ersh! I noticed that the Greybeards seem to think they are naked when using EVG Conditionals, and this does not occur using DAR. Will still use OAR, but thought you should know!


Hey! Thank you really much for developing OAR as extensible alternative to DAR! I quickly wanted to ask if there is a list of conditions/features from DAR that are already present in OAR. The reason is, that I'm planning an extensive gameplay test, and only want to report useful stuff (I don't want to spam you with known issues ;))


All conditions from DAR are implemented already :)


All right, you're on fire :D I'll keep you updated :)


Hey :) Just did a all-in-one 3h gameplay test, and holy cow! You did it once again :D Here are some information about my setup: I play on a really weak system (a tablet with a mobile powersave CPU and only an integrated graphic chip), and with a medium/heavy DAR setup, involving many animations and different types of conditions. For reference, here is what the old DAR has to say about animations: 5941 / 16384 : actors\character\defaultfemale.hkx 1300 / 16384 : actors\character\_1stperson\firstperson.hkx 5921 / 16384 : actors\character\defaultmale.hkx In my test, I both played normally (dungeon crawling and questing), and tested the DAR animations specifically by triggering the conditions. Not only was there no difference in behaviour to normal DAR (all animations were replaced with the expected ones), but I also noticed a considerable overall FPS improvement. The only thing different is replacing the Animation Replacer mod. Furthermore, I think you finally freed me of the "breakdance bug" (when many NPCs were around in a CPU heavy area, everyone started shaking with DAR, and this hasn't occurred to me with OAR). Also, I didn't notice any TPose issue with idles on startup. This is under SSE 1.5.97, with the Animation Queue Fix installed. BIG fat kudos! :)


You are correct., On a new game none of those issue are occurring.


Glad to hear it's all working out! :) I've already heard of a few cases where people reported improved FPS. It's possible that my conditions are more efficient, though to be honest I'm surprised it'd be noticeable at all.


Everything seems to work right, but I think creature support is still needed.


It supports any kind of behavior graph, should even work for non-actor ones.


I've looked carefully into this and as far as I can tell EVG's conditions are wrong, the keyword conditions miss the greybeard robes. The behavior is correct. I've asked Everglaid to be sure. If this is indeed the case, this means it's actually a bug in DAR.


I've checked and nothing wrong happens with the DAR rifles mod for me


Nevermind that, I'm apparently blind. Will fix soon.