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Hey! The plugin's progressing well, although it turns out I'm actually doing things in a different way than DAR and hitting different issues. From what I can tell, what DAR is doing to the animation list is actually destructive. I'm still not sure how it manages to work with the animation list being completely erased and containing only the new animations.

Anyway, I've replicated all DAR conditions at this point, and they seem to be correct, though only thorough testing will ensure that they work in the same way. Some were obvious and easy to implement, some less so.

The slow animation load on game launch (resulting in tpose) turned out to be a vanilla issue. Bethesda likely just wasn't expecting the system to get overloaded by thousands of animations being queued all at once.

The exciting thing, however, is that I've managed to find and fix the issue!

Here's two videos of the relevant memory during that process, as proof that it's actually vastly improved:

Vanilla: https://i.imgur.com/4Wr0PSi.mp4

Fixed: https://i.imgur.com/qrAMQlv.mp4 (I had to start recording earlier because it's so quick, hah)

I'll hopefully have a test version of the replacer ready relatively soon.

EDIT: Actually, hell, I've separated the fix to a standalone .dll. Please check if it solves the issue for you, it should support VR as well, but I didn't test it. I'll upload it to the Nexus soon if it works for everyone.

EDIT 2: I've updated the plugin to address a potential multithreading issue.



Thank you so much for all the work you are doing. Seriously you do a lot for the commuintiy.

Tuan Anh Nguyen Duy

thank you for your hard work, Ersh. But this dll kinda mess up animation a lot. Example while my player idle, it start play animation i am eating something, or when i try to sheath my weapon i fly backward animation stagger from elden rim...


Oh no :( That really does not sound good. Not sure how that's possible, the fix is actually really simple and shouldn't be messing up like that


Thanks! Got another confirmation it fixed the issue for another user, too. Hopefully that's it.


The queue fix works perfectly! Very excited about this project in general, also


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do I replace the DAR dll with this one?


No no, this is just the animation queue fix. It's a vanilla bug that is mostly exposed by DAR queueing thousands of animations at once, overloading it. The DAR replacement is not ready yet.


Ahh, thank you! You are doing unbelievably amazing work!

Ian Schroeder

Wow. I use a modlist that needs at least a minute of idle to load in all the animations. Excellent work! Loaded in and no t-posing.

Billy Roberson

Can confirm this did the trick, loaded into several towns and bars with lots of NPCs where DAR loading took about 30-ish seconds, and saw no load time whatsoever. It's like magic. Will report back if I see anything strange, but great work man.


You're a god

Ramesh Laxmisan

Hi Ersh, I don't know if this is an issue but I loaded this file just before DAR and got a combat music loop that wouldn't end even with area transitions. Iexited the game and loaded it at the end of my load order and it fixed itself.


Hmm I don't think that's possible to be caused by this. Has absolutely nothing to do with anything related


Thats really cool! Thank you! You know what I noticed on top? Whenever I loaded a save using DAR before, I had to un- and reequip my gauntlets because the hand would'nt close around the swordhandle on first load. Now with the DLL that bug is gone.


I love you