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Hey, I'm working on a way overdue TrueHUD update with some requested stuff and new features.

I'm adding a configurable way to display active effects on actor info bars. Have a sneak peek:

(The effects seen here are applied by the basic flame and frostbite spells, which is why they're re-applied and last so short. It can support any sort of effect, also ones without a duration if you want to)

The setup is similar to the trail overrides in Precision, the effects are detected by their keywords etc. and you can set the color and icon. Right now, it can use SkyUI effect icons if you have SkyUI (who doesn't?), and I'm hoping to add a way to load any icon .png for some custom effects you might want to display.

Also working on my own take on floating damage numbers. Not sure how that'll turn out yet, there's a thin line between them looking cool, but still useful, and chaotic noise.

After the TrueHUD update I'll probably work on Accuracy first, maybe take a stab at the grip switch as I got a behavior patch from NickNak already.

Oh, and we're also trying to make a blood impact particle emitter for Precision. The idea is to add it to the weapon for a short while after a successful hit, so your weapon leaves a satisfying streak of blood (or oil, or bug-blood etc). We got it behaving mostly as we wanted, still have to tweak the values and also make versions for dwemer automatons etc.

I actually really want to start working on the ability framework now, but I've got too many half-done plugins :(



very very cool - Ersh is Creation Engine 3.0 manifested in human form


Hey Ersh, sorry to dig up this old post, but I noticed (unless I'm doing something wrong) that the CC survival bar overlays (to show the max stat debuff) don't seem to work with TrueHUD, was this something that you planned to incorporate in the future?