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Fixed the active ragdoll messing up your animations! Now it's just active for a while during the hit impulses, otherwise it's just keyframed animation like usual.

Fixed some reported crashes hopefully.

Added a FOMOD for TK compatibility patches.



Hi Ersh I‘d like to report a repeatable CTD about precison.dll. For me the crash log is Precision.dll+453B9 and it usually happened when fast travel or enter/exit indoor. Here's a crash log: https://pastebin.com/4TMXL6UX


My game freezes randomly when I hit an enemy or an object with a weapon (no crash log is generated, unfortunately). This issue got fixed after removing precision mod, but I can’t say this mod is solely responsible for the crash. Anyway, that’s something I thought I had to report, and thanks for making such an amazing mod!


Thanks for responding to the feedback! Player animations play smoothly and without jitter now. I think the mod's coming up to a point where it's integrating pretty seamlessly and I'm not having to 'babysit' it as much. It's just enhancing gameplay. I think a slight improvement could be made to the default ragdoll settings. Occasionally, NPCs will get comically flung around after a killing blow (In an accurate direction lol, but they fly off like wet tissue). If there's a way to add more weight, then impacts would feel much more realistic. But I think the funny ragdolls have always been characteristic of Creation Kit games lmao. Last note, I just experienced a random CTD with Precision. Normally I'm used to hard crashing from entering/exiting cells, but this one came out of the blue, and Precision.dll came up in the probable callstacks. So hopefully the crash log is useful for you. (Note: This is from Enderal SE, which I don't think is a problem for this mod, but worth noting) https://pastebin.com/reiqC1zR


Oh no :( Haven't experienced that one or even heard of it before, it seems like it's going to be a pain to figure out. Will need a reproducible case to do anything about it probably.


Thanks! As for the ragdoll flinging, you can try tweaking the impulse multiplier for ragdolled actors in the MCM. The issue is that the impulse stacks with the default impulse applied on death. I should probably not play mine in that situation... or maybe I should disable the vanilla one as it might be less accurate?


Sadly I've experienced ctds as soon as I try to make a new game or load an old one, by removing Precision the problem wasn't there anymore


Send a crash log in such cases, without a crash log this tells me nothing.


Super cool, I no longer have the issue where I cant hit some enemies, however I am noticing that enemies will spazz out on hit occasionally


After installing this mod with project impact, I encountered a lot of CTD. What is the reason?


I don't know. Some crashes are known issues, I might not be aware of others. Post the crash logs


Hi! Have been playing with Precision Alpha for a few hours now without any real issues. When fighting a dragon I noticed that when you're close to the dragon he disappears from screen. Made a short video demonstrating this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCg_0h1qwD0. When I disabled precision this didn't happen. I guess that's a side effect of the new implementation?


I've noticed this too myself, I think it might be vanilla behavior (the fade out when an actor blocks the camera) that's triggering too often because the plugin also lets you get closer to the dragon, removing the weird invisible collisions. SSE Display Tweaks has an option to disable the fading of NPCs and I can confirm it works.


Hi all! I cannot hit with unarmed at all. If i disable precision I can hit just fine. Any suggestions?


I use a few combat animations that involve kicking, and those kicking animations obviously don't register as hits anymore, with precision. Is there any way I could make them work with it?


So far ive used this mod with close to 68+ mods in my load order and i havent had any issues with it in terms of crashing my game or breaking any saves. Only crashes i seemed to get were all from my graphics mods installed that were a little too heavy on the engine which resulted in a crash. This mod is definitely coming together quite nicely and i have to say you have done an amazing job man! The only and i mean only incompatible mod ive found with precision after 30+ hours of playing with it is the "No Follower Attack Collision" mod which is supposed to prevent you hitting your followers and neutral npc's. After disabling the mod, the NFAC works perfectly, cant hit npcs or followers. Although, after reenabling precision NFAC seems to break and no longer work. Figured i would throw my findings/experience with the mod here since its in Alpha stages. Overall i think this mod has has come a long way and has become one of my favorite mods to use! Thank you so much for all your hard work Ersh!


The animator section at the bottom of the previous post has information how to add custom hitboxes to your animations. You'd have to use hkanno64, though, and I can't really help you with that as I'm no expert.