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Hey folks! I The almost complete rework of Precision is progressing nicely, it shouldn't be too long until I have a test version ready. I've incorporated quite a bit of code from PLANCK - Physical Animation and Character Kinetics (Incredible mod), so it has the accurate procedural impacts, similar to the vanilla Havok Hit .ini setting (except actually good and not buggy). I've also corrected the impact particle spawn locations, which now spawn at the exact point of impact.

I am very happy with how the rework is turning out. I'm adding creature support, where all creature attacks will have custom collisions (e.g. the dragon wing slaps actually have a collision on the wings, etc.) It is configurable through a config text file, to avoid editing all the animations with necessary annotations. (Basically each attack contained in the Race records can have a custom collision)

If the animation contains custom annotations, the config file is ignored and the collisions are entirely controlled through the annotations. This means an animator will be able to define the exact start and end of the attack collision (can add multiple at the same time, for weapons like twinblades), the bone it is parented to (so accurate kicks, for example, will be possible!), the collision size or position offset, etc. I'm even planning to add a damage multiplier so you'll be able to create combos where the last attack deals more damage.

Animations that don't have explicit support for Precision through the annotations will also have custom collisions (as long as they're not missing some annotations that should be included in every attack...) but less sophisticated - the collision starts on the weaponSwing animation event, is attached to the WEAPON bone and will last a short configurable amount of time. (which is pretty much what you have right now in the latest version of Precision)

A much more detailed instruction will be included when I have the next version ready.

The bugs you're experiencing shouldn't be there anymore in the reworked version (but new ones have probably appeared, heh).





What's the custom annotation ? Is it gonna be meleeTrace_Right/Left_Start/Stop ? iirc Distar have talked about it last year with the AMR raytrace animation rig.


Nah, that was the plan before but it's gonna be different now, it's also going to use payloads where you define the parent bone name, optional offsets/rotation etc. I haven't finalized the syntax yet, but something like Collision_Add."WEAPON"|scale(1.5)|rotation(0, 90, 0) etc.


Very excited for this!


wait is PLANCK not just for skyrim VR ???


I'm following this mod very closely, real excited about this! I'm curious. If this mod enables accurate impacts, would something like "dynamic mesh splitting" be possible (Similar to finishes and gore in The Witcher 3 or dynamic cutting in Metal Gear:Rising)? If Precision would enable something like that, it would make a great succesor to Maximum Carnage.


It is, but a lot of it could be ported to SE. I'm not going to port things that only work in VR, like the grabbing, but I've ported the active ragdoll. The body-body collisions are going to be disabled by default, but I'll include an option to enable them. Very silly stuff can happen when your character collides with another. Thanks to PLANCK's source code (and the help of its author who has been incredibly helpful and answered any questions I had) I've learned a lot about manipulating Skyrim's Havok and managed to utilize it fully for collision detection, instead of the, frankly, janky hacks that are in the current Precision dll.


That's a whole other can of worms. AFAIK MGR's dynamic cutting was really dynamic, and that sort of thing would need to be supported by the engine (or someone really galaxy brained would have to add it), and I'm pretty sure Skyrim has nothing like that. Witcher 3 probably does dismemberment similarly to what most games do - premade sliced meshes, and a way to hide parts of the body mesh, while adding "gore caps". That sort of thing is certainly possible - after all, decapitation is already in Skyrim, and Fallout 3 also had dismemberment. Adding something like that to Skyrim would still require a lot of effort and reverse engineering. It's one of potential things I'd like to try out, but I'm not confident I'd get anywhere. I do fully intend on leveraging the accurate impacts by adding a locational damage framework to Precision, though.


very cool, saw the other guys mod and thought that you and he should work together, good to see that is happening.


wow, when can we test this version? :D