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Hey Shady Peeps,

First up I've been fixing the site as not all of you can see the videos uncensored. It really upset me that you couldn't so I've spent the last three days uploading them one by one. But its taking a while. So far I'm almost 1/3 the way there. So please be patient. And I do have something for you guys to make up for it I can promise you that. I just wanted to say thanks for sticking with me :)

So the other news. I was meant to have an episode out two days ago. A full episode! But last week I lost my granddad at the age of 95. My dad isn't taking it well at all and its been tough realizing I've lost an amazing person. He had a smile for everything. 

That being said I'm almost done the next episode but I had the funeral a few days ago so I've been taking my time to get back into the swing of things. I didn't want to make a public video because I didn't feel to comfortable doing one.

Also as of last night Shadette (Bell) lost one of her best friends to cancer. He was fighting it for a long time and in his 20's he was gone way too soon.

Loss is crazy. It effects everyone in some shape or form. I plan to be a head in a jar though still doing episodes so don't worry about me going anywhere ;)

I just wanted to say I love you guys. Thanks for keeping with me and keeping strong. Couldn't of done it without you.

- Shades <3


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