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Hey Shady Peeps. So I am about 1/5 the way through fixing all the uncensored videos on the site. Its taking a while but we will get there :)

On a side note Im trying to finish the latest episode of Dat Game atm. Its ready to be cut up but Ive had funeral stuff to deal with and the main event is tomorrow. Been a tough week here at Shady Corner.

Once its out the way I can clear my mind and focus again. But during all this I had a fan send me the latest Sexy Beach game Premium Resort!!! Thanks Anios! He preordered the game and gave me a copy to review!

It took me about 4 days to get most of the patches to work. Its kinda tough because the game is so new so the modding community is still fresh on the software. They can use some of the Sexy Beach 3 Utilities to get it to english but at this stage its a slow process. There are updates posted every day. 

Trying to patch the game is hard. Because its so early its like trying to recode a game. But Ive managed to get a version Im happy to record with. The sooner I talk about this game the better!

As you can see by the picture above Ive recorded about an hour of gameplay. Though Day 1 on the island wasnt the best start. Not so much in a bad way of gameplay but so much happened that if you were the man on holiday you would head back home...

So far the game is living up to its promises. The character creator has more options. But you gotta buy the clothes in game so its a task to get the bank up.

Everything else isnt too bad. But early days. This game could be a massive review as Ive only explored 1/3 of the island!

Anyways I best get back to it! Shades out!

- Shades



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