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Welcome to 2024! I hope you have an excellent year of gaming ahead of you.

I’m mixing things up a bit in 2024, and I’ll explain in more detail as the changes filter through into the release schedule. With several of our established lines (Monstrous Lairs and Wilderness Dressing) coming to a natural end, it seemed like a good time to play around with the release schedule to give you better tools for your games.

The first change you’ll spot is that we’ll be kicking off each month with your free and exclusive mini-eventure. All the mini-eventures in 2024 will be set in the northern Ashlar town of Dunstone. By the end of the year, we should have featured every major location in the town. Hopefully, the sum total will enable you to run deep and flavoursome adventures in the area (particularly when paired with the many Dungeon Backdrops and adventures set in the locality).

This month’s mini-eventure—Visting the Tower of the Astromancer—pairs perfectly with the Cursed Tower of the Astromancer Dungeon Backdrop we released toward the end of last year. It can be run before or after (or both times!)

Where’s My Stuff?

The files for this month’s free mini-eventure are attached to this post; download as many editions as you would like. There are no DriveThru codes this week; there is no need to check your inbox.

Thank You

Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press in 2024. I hope our books make your GMing life easier and more fun. (And I hope your players have more fun!) Your support is instrumental in keeping the lights at Global HQ, and I am tremendously grateful you are here reading this!

Tentacles: everything is better with tentacles. (I should know...)


Publisher of Useful Items


Matthew J. Hunter

Definitely looking forward to this year, Creighton!! These upcoming releases sound interesting - getting to explore more of Dunstone will be exciting!


Thank you, Matthew! I'm also looking forward to getting under Dunstone's skin. That whole area is ripe for adventure.