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We end the year with a cracking Dungeon Backdrop. Old, buried settlements long lost to time are a classic part of fantasy roleplaying games. They provide innumerable opportunities for adventure! Behold, Lost Cellar of the Nameless Mage (which comes in 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2 and System Neutral editions).

In this month’s Dungeon Backdrop, a rich merchant makes a surprising discovery in the deepest part of his townhouse’s cellars and needs adventurers to investigate! Do you know any adventurers brave enough to answer his call?

About the Lost Cellar of the Nameless Mage

Centuries ago, another settlement stood where Dulwich now stands. Much of the area’s ancient history has been forgotten—lost to time’s remorseless advance and the fading memories of even the longest-lived folk. However, buried or lost fragments of the past yet remain. A merchant, carrying out repairs in the deepest part of his cellar, makes a curious discovery—a stone trapdoor hidden in a sealed-up room—and needs a band of brave adventurers to explore whatever lies below.

This Dungeon Backdrop is designed for use with the Ashlar campaign setting but is designed to be easily inserted into almost any GM’s personal campaign.

Goodbye 2023!

Lost Cellar of the Nameless Mage is our last release for 2023. As Christmas Day and New Year’s Day fall on Mondays this year, we thought that was an excellent excuse to take a break. We’ll be back on January 8 with the last Wilderness Dressing.

We also have an exciting new line for you next year: Monstrous Delves.

Designed for busy GMs who need a quick dungeon they can easily customise to perfectly fit their personal campaign, Monstrous Delves present a flavoursome monstrous tribe and their lair in an innovative, system-neutral format compatible with virtually every fantasy role-playing game, including 5e.

Think of Monstrous Delve as a fusion of the Dungeon Backdrop and the old Tribes line. I’m excited to bring this new line to you, and I think it will prove a fun, useful addition to your GM’s toolkit. Our first Monstrous Delve features the Orcs of the Flayed Skull. I’m sure your characters will be delighted to meet them…

Where’s My Stuff?

By the time you read this, everyone at the $2 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week’s books. Drop them into your browser, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, message me, and I’ll sort it out for you. 

I've also attached the Dungeon Backdrop's maps to this post for your convenience.

The 2021 OSR and P1 Megabundles

I’ll be turning off these megabundles on Monday morning. If you want to snag an epic bargain for your OSR or P1 game, you’ve not got long to pounce.

Each bundle contains 46 supplements—virtually everything we released that year for the relevant system—along with a smattering of thematically linked System Neutral titles. Both bundles contain Dungeon Backdrops, Dungeon Dressing, Urban Dressing, Campaign Codex and 20 Things resources, along with the Lonely Coast mini-campaign setting.

Get the bundle at a 90% discount! Here are direct links to both bundles:

Thank You

Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press in 2023. I hope our books make your GMing life easier and more fun. Your support is instrumental in keeping the lights at Global HQ, and I am tremendously grateful you are here reading this!

See you in 2024!

Creighton Publisher of Useful Items

PS What Nameless Mage doesn’t have a tentacle or two about their person?


Michael Benoit

Not familiar with the Tribes line but I'm looking forward to these monstrous delves!