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It’s that time again: Christmas is imminently here, and so Raging Swan Press is slipping into a state of quasi-hibernation. 

Thank you for your support, trust, and attention in 2022. You enable us to do what we love doing—publishing books designed to make our games better through the inclusion of detail, flavour and verisimilitude. Without you, the Dread Thingonomicon would probably not be a book, and our release schedule would not be so packed.

2022 threw its fair share of challenges at Raging Swan Press, and your support was instrumental in our weathering those challenges.

In 2023, I am particularly looking forward to continuing my design of Citadel on the Wilderlands. Getting 500 decent words done every day has been tricky at times, but I am enjoying the experience and challenge immensely. Principle design ends on October 31 (all being well), so the finished adventure won’t be out until early 2024, but I’m already excited. I can’t wait to start playtesting the adventure with my home gaming group, but I think that won’t really be possible until the middle of the year at the earliest. Luckily, patience is a virtue!

2023 is also the year we start the Urban Locale line. I think these books will do an excellent job of filling a hole in the toolkit of any GM running an urban game. I have lots more planned for 2023, but I’ll share more details next year once I have nailed down more of the details. As always, I’ll be running some polls so I can get your thoughts and feedback.

In any event, I have rambled on more than I had expected. Thank you (again) for your support. I hope the festive period brings you peace and relaxation—and tentacles because Everything is Better with Tentacles.


Jeffrey Good

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2023!


Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and your family!