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I had a surprise earlier this year; when I downloaded a report of all our sales at DriveThruRPG going back 12 years: Portentous Dreams was #19 on our best-seller list! (You might not think that is very good, but we have over 1,100 products for sale at DriveThruRPG). Clearly, this was a book that needed updating for 5e and OSR games! This week, that’s exactly what we have for you! (And we have an update for you Pathfinder fans out there.)

I love using prophetic, mood-establishing dreams in my games, and I hope Portentous Dreams will inspire you to use them in your games!

Urban Locales: First Look

Last week, I posted the quasi-final draft of the first Urban Locale for your perusal and comment. I’d love to know what you think. (The Urban Locale line is jolly similar in theme and style to the Monstrous Lair line but—obviously—focused on urban locales.) Please download Urban Locale #01: Dockside Tavern and take a look, and let me know what you think either in the comments or in our Discord forums.

Where’s My Stuff?

By the time you read this, everyone at the $2 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week’s books. Drop them into your browser, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, send me a message, and I’ll sort it out for you.

Also, find attached to this post this free and exclusive month’s Mini-Eventure: Praying at the Lawgiver’s Hall set in Dulwich. As always, we have 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 1 editions for you. Download one—or all!

Thank You

Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press in 2022. As the year meanders to a close, I wanted to say that I am jolly grateful for your support and trust. I get a huge kick out of knowing that people all over the world use our products to have (more) fun with their friends. You help make that possible. Thank you.

This post marks our last releases of 2022. Raging Swan Press is powering down for the festive break in the middle of next week (although I’ll be sporadically checking email). I hope you also manage to get some time off over the festive break and that you relax and spend time with your loved ones.

We’ll be back on January 2nd with new Monstrous Lairs! Until then—again—thank you for your support, and I’ll see you in 2023!

(Finally, it should come as no surprise at all that Everything is Better with Tentacles—particularly Christmas trees).


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