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This week, we have an eclectic mix of article for you and your campaign. Hopefully you'll find them jolly useful. As always, I welcome suggestions for upcoming 20 Things articles, so let me know in the comments below if you'd like to see anything specific. 

Thank you for your support; 2016 is shaping up to be our best year ever and you are an integral part of that success. Finally, welcome to Andrew Ritchie who joins us this week.  

10 Mourners with Personality

Graveyards are places of sorrow and loss. Sometimes, those left behind visit the grave of the beloved departed for closure or (one-sided) conversation. Such folk often keep themselves to themselves, but may see things of interest to adventurers investigating strange goings on in a graveyard.

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20 Fragile Treasures 

Adventurers often find gold, silver and gems during their deep delves into the dark, unwholesome places of the world. Sometimes they find bulky treasures, difficult to transport back to civilisations. Other times, they find items fragile enough that accidental damage or rough handling could render them worthless…

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How Good is the Forge of Fury?

Over on my blog, I ask the question: just how good is The Forge of Fury ? Let me know what you think?


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