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This week, we've got a surfeit of villages for you to enjoy! First up, is Village Backdrop: Kingsfell written by your's truly and available in Pathfinder, 5e and System Neutral Edition varities. Also, this week we release Be Awesome at Village Design which is crammed full of handy tips to help you design awesome villages for YOUR campaign.

Because it's Black Friday and Thanksgiving, we are making both books available to all patrons no matter their pledge level. Thank you very much for your support thus far. I much appreciate it and I hope you are enjoying your weekly dose of Raging Swan Press! 

(Please note, this is the post I failed to send out on Friday so you should already have all the download links for Village Backdrop: Kingsfell and Be Awesome at Village Design).

Village Backdrop: Kingsfell

Standing hard against the River Ost, Kingsfell is seemingly a tranquil and prosperous village on a well-travelled trade route. However, the village stands on the site of a long-forgotten battlefield and not all the dead rest easily in their graves. Strangely, while the paladin—and lady of the village—Mira Lankinen, the scion of an ancient line, keeps watch over her lands, a subtle unease shrouds the village. Strangers sometimes arrive in Kingsfell armed with spades and picks intending to dig beneath the Kingstones, for rumours and old stories vaguely place buried treasures beneath their feet. Local laws and traditions prohibit such treasure hunting, however, and few dare to face down Mira Lankinen and her skilled, vigilant men-at-arms. Thus, so far the stones and whatever lies beneath remains undisturbed.

Be Awesome at Village Design

Any GM can design a basic village. A dedicated GM, however, takes the extra time to craft exciting, logical and flavoursome villages that are so much more than a general store, village inn and some dreary peasant huts. Be Awesome at Village Design comprises village design essays by ENnie Award winning designer Creighton Broadhurst and a suite of tables designed to help the busy GM quickly and easily design a village ready for the game. 

Whether you are a new GM just starting out, or a grizzled veteran, there’s something for you in Be Awesome at Village Design.  

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 


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