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As I suspect you know by now, we've just that our $450 milestone! That's so awesome and I couldn't be happier. Thank you all (and welcome to new patrons Paul Williams, Daniel Norton and Seanny Parfitt and thank you to Brice Zickuhr for levelling up his pledge).

We aren't done yet. Next up, we are going to focus on upgrading some of Raging Swan Press's rather old IT and software before returning to increasing our pay rates. Excellent work--after all--should command excellent pay rates.

In any event, we posts up some more handy gaming resources for your use.  I'm trying out a new format to the Tuesday post. Let me know, if you like it (or not).

Uneventful Days on the Road

This mini-post brings together three different articles to bring flavour and life to otherwise  boring or uneventful days travel on the road.

100 Suspiciously Detailed Dungeon Statues

Every dungeon has statues. Perhaps one of the most durable pieces of dungeon decoration, statues are also often trapped or sometimes even animate to slay intruders! Read more...

10 Suspicious Detailed Empty Dungeon Chambers

Not all areas of a dungeon are inhabited. Some are—or appear to be—empty. Such areas don’t have to be boring. Read more...

Why Your Dungeons Should Have More Than One Entrance

Over on my blog, I posted yesterday about dungeon entrances. It’s a sad fact of life, but most commercially available dungeons only seem to have one—or at the most two—entrances. Read more...


This Friday, we release Subterranean Enclave: Flenheim and Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #4. Remember, $2 and higher patrons get both as part of their pledge. See you then!


Raging Swan Press

This week, Raging Swan Press releases Places of Power: Godswatch for Pathfinder as well as Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #3 for 5e. And them to your library today! (And, did you know that if you signed up to our Patreon campaign you'd have got both books for a single $2 pledge?


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