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This week, we've got two new products for you and, as a patron, you get both included as part of your pledge! Without further ado, I give you Places of Power: Godswatch and Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #3 (5e).

Places of Power: Godswatch

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Amber Underwood

On the bank raging river Kyrne, where it narrows, priests keep a holy vigil in a storied spire, the Godswatch. Consecrated in the name of countless gods, the site of a great triumph for the god of the local river, the tower is sought out by pious pilgrims and frequented by inquisitive priests, for few have as much knowledge of distant or esoteric religions as its caretakers. Faith, the tower’s priestess, welcomes every traveller regardless of his or her purpose.

However, the Godswatch is also a watchtower. Not only does it dutifully protect one of the few crossings of the river, it safeguards against the return of the evil vanquished by Kyrne long ago. Though they are welcoming, the caretakers are also watchful, ready to stand against anything that might break the peace they keep.

Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #3 (5e)

A 5e Compatible GM’s Resource by Ronald Calbick, Thomas King, Andrew J. Martin, Chad Perrin and Liz Smith

Your PCs are deep in the dungeon and have just defeated a terrifying dragon! As they bandage their wounds, and ready their fallen friend’s bodies for return to the surface, they look around and ask “So what treasure’s in the dragon’s hoard, anyway?” At that point, unless the GM has prepared a detailed list of treasure, the PCs get (possibly) literally tons of coins and some generic magic items. (After all, most GMs have better things to do with their prep time than generate descriptions for stuff the PCs will likely sell).

Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #3 banishes these problems by providing a veritable hoard of 25 pre-generated, richly detailed treasure hoards for challenges 11-16 ready to insert into almost any GM’s campaign.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

Thank you for your support. I couldn't do this without you. You are making a huge difference to Raging Swan Press and our freelancers. Tonight, I'll raise a glass of whiskey in your honour (bravely).


Raging Swan Press

Endzeitgeist has just awarded Village Backdrop: Feigrvidr five stars and his seal of approval! Here's my favourite part of his review: Stephen Radney-MacFarland's Feigrvidr is one glorious village that can stand with the best in the series; equal parts ethnic settlement, frontier/mining town and rough and tumble refugee camp, it oscillates between various themes and blends them in a concise and fun whole.


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