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I wanted to drop you a brief note to update you on text files and to ask you a favour about the Thingonomicon II.

An Update

Thank you to those who voted in the recent text files poll. I found the results and comments most illuminating.

Given that more of you than not would find text files useful I’ll be moving ahead with providing them with new 20 Things releases.

I’m also planning to go back into the line’s depths to add them to older releases. (You’ll get email notification from DriveThruRPG as I update the older books so they'll be added to your library as normal).

I hope you’ll find the text files useful!

A Request

Thingonomicon II is now out and I’m hoping to get your help to lure other unsuspecting victims/ GMs into the wonderful world of verisimilitude, rich flavour and detail.

If you’ve had a chance to get into the book would you leave a review or a rating at DriveThruRPG? That would help other GMs get a feel for the style, content and quality of the book and help me spread word about Raging Swan Press.

Here are direct links to Thingonomicon II and Thingonomicon (in case you fancy doing both):

Thingonomicon II 


Thank you!

See You Friday

See you Friday, for the first text-file enhanced 20 Things!

As always, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. As you know, I much appreciate it.



Done and done! ;0) You let me know, what you think right here or over a PM. Outstanding stuff as you spoil me for so many years already. Thanks to you and your team.

Ari Thoma

Just snagged it from RPG, Already loving it


I am delighted with the reviews and very grateful for you posting them Andrea. Thank you for taking the time.


Excellent! Could I talk you into a review or rating on OBS, Ari? Irrespective of that, I hope you can use the book in game to have more fun. ;-)

Ari Thoma

Sure... whats OBS?


Done! I have reviewed both your fine products. Please keep making my life easier as a GM. Thanks for all the great RPG resources over the years.


My absolutely pleasure, Brad. Thank you for reviewing both. That's tremendously decent of you.